Halo Infinite Achievement Guide (Multiplayer)

Welcome to the Halo Infinite Achievement guide for multiplayer! The multiplayer portion of Halo Infinite has dropped early in beta form, and the Achievements for it are live! At the time of the beta launch, this is a fairly easy list to complete. As the title suggests, this is only a guide on the multiplayer Achievements. A separate guide will go up for the campaign when it releases.

The majority of this list kind of acts as an introductory tutorial to the multiplayer. There are some miscellaneous Achievements to be earned here, but they are mostly straight forward.

Bot, Bot, Bot

As you will see toward the bottom of the list, there are some miscellaneous Achievements that must be done while in matchmaking. While these are no doubt intended to be earned against human players, you can actually matchmake against bots. At the time of the beta launch, the miscellaneous Achievements can be earned against bots. You must go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking in order for them to count.


So far it would seem that none of the Achievements are glitched to where they can’t be earned. But that doesn’t mean that glitches won’t occur. This is still labeled a beta, so there may be kinks that still need to be ironed out in terms of the game itself and the Achievements. Some of the Achievements will pop instantly and some may take a while to pop.


The multiplayer is a work in progress as it is the beta of a live service game. So just like the game, this guide will be a work in progress. Things are going to change as the game is patched and fine tuned over time. This guide will change with the game as necessary.


If you’re looking for Achievements that are found in the Halo Infinite campaign, you can a separate guide for the campaign by following the link below.

Halo Infinite Campaign Achievement Guide

 Which One of Us is The Machine?

Get and equip a new AI.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Body & AI” > “AI Model.” From there, all you have to do is choose any AI and equip it.

 Passion for Fashion

Wear a new armor customization item.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Armor Hall.” From there, select your character to open up the customization screen and then edit any aspect of it. Equip your changes to pop this.

 “Need a Weapon?”

Try out a new weapon customization item.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Weapon Bench.” From there, select any weapon and then edit any aspect of it. Equip your changes to pop this.

That Thing on the Left is the Brake That Thing on the Left is the Brake

Test drive a new vehicle customization.

The description for this is a little misleading. You don’t have to actually drive anything. All you have to do is customize a vehicle.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Vehicle Bay.” From there, select your vehicle and edit any aspect of it. Equip your changes to pop this.

Reporting for Duty Reporting for Duty

Change your Spartan Tag.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Spartan ID.” Select “Service Tag” and then edit it with whatever characters you want with a limit of four. Save the changes.

I'm Ready, How 'Bout You? I’m Ready, How ‘Bout You?

Change your Spartan’s look in the Customize menu.

From the main menu, tab over with RB to “Customize” > “Body & AI” > “Body Type.” From there, all you have to do is choose any body type and equip it.

Humble Beginnings Humble Beginnings

Complete one level in a Battle Pass.

This is something you’ll get as you play while completing daily and weekly challenges. You will need to earn a total of 1,000 XP in order to complete the first level of the Battle Pass.

Battle Tested Battle Tested

Complete a Battle Pass.

In order to earn this, you’re going to have to play a lot. There are 100 levels to the Battle Pass.

There is a timer that says when the Battle Pass will end, but you will be able to choose what Battle Pass you want to work on when there are multiple out.

You’re going to need to complete daily and weekly challenges in order to make progress in the Battle Pass.

You can view the Daily and Weekly challenges by pressing Y while in the multiplayer menu. This will bring up the Battle Pass and you’ll be able to see what Daily and Weekly challenges are available on the right side. All you have to do is complete the listed objectives before they expire. You’re going to need to complete a lot of these in order to get through the entire Battle Pass. You’ll also unlock “Clocking In” and “We Have a Job For You” when completing your first Daily and Weekly challenges.

It is possible to pay your way through the Battle Pass, but that is an unnecessarily expensive way to earn an Achievement.

Clocking In Clocking In

Complete a Daily Challenge.

See the “Battle Tested” above Achievement for more details.

We Have a Job For You We Have a Job For You

Complete a Weekly Challenge.

See the “Battle Tested” above Achievement for more details.

Limited Addition Limited Addition

Complete a Limited Time Challenge.

At the time of launch it is unclear what exactly a “Limited Time Challenge” is. This is something that will likely be introduced in a more prominent way later in the game’s life as this is just the beginning of a live service game.

However, it is possible to pop this by completing every Weekly challenge before the week ends. There are 20 Weekly challenges for the entire week.

If you end up with a challenge that is too hard or is something you don’t want to do, you can use a Challenge Swap to trade the current weekly challenge for a new randomized one.

This is very likely not the way this Achievement was meant to be earned, but it is currently possible at launch. This guide will be edited to reflect the assumed eventual change or update to this Achievement when/if it happpens.

You're Up, Rook' You’re Up, Rook’

Play a Ranked Match.

From the Multiplayer menu, select “Ranked Arena” and then start the match. This will pop as soon as the match ends whether you win or lose.

All About the Grind All About the Grind

Finish Ranked Placement Matches.

In order to earn this, you’re going to need to play 10 ranked matches in the same playlist. You cannot quit any of the matches. You need to finish all of them.

These also do not need to be done in one sitting.

Get the Popcorn Get the Popcorn

View a clip in theater.

All of your matches are recorded in the theater. All you have to do for this is watch any of your matches. From the main menu, tab over to “Community” and then select “My Match History.” After that, all you have to do is choose a clip and watch it by selecting “Watch Film.” This should pop immediately after.

Customary Customary

Play a custom game.

From the main menu, scroll down to “Custom Game.” You can customize it however you’d like and then start the match. You can play the whole thing or quit. Make sure to choose “End Game” when leaving. This will pop shortly after ending the game.

If this doesn’t pop while playing solo, you can use a second controller or invite a friend to try again.

Getting Strong Now Getting Strong Now

Launch into Training Mode for the first time.

See the Achievement “Sparring Partners” below for more details.

Sparring Partners Sparring Partners

Change any training mode option.

From the main menu, select “Academy” > “Training Mode.” Once there all you have to do is launch the training mode and then “Getting Strong Now” will pop. Once you’ve loaded into the training mode, pause the game. Scroll down to “Training Options” and then change of the settings that are listed and you will then pop “Sparring Partners.”

Sharpshooter Sharpshooter

Complete a Weapon Drill.

See the Achievement “Augmented” below for more details.

Deadeye Deadeye

Earn 3 stars in a Weapon Drill.

See the Achievement “Augmented” below for more details.

Augmented Augmented

Earn 3 stars in 5 Tier 3 Weapon Drills

From the main menu, select “Academy” > “Weapon Drills.”

As of the time of the beta launch, the description for this Achievement is incorrect. You do not need three stars in tier three weapon drills. You only need three stars on any weapon drill.

So as of beta launch, you can select whatever five weapons you want and get three stars on any tier level.

In order to get three stars with a weapon, you just need to get as many kills as you can within the time limit. These are not difficult. Especially with being able to knock this out on tier one.

This is very likely not the way this Achievement was meant to be earned, but it is currently possible at launch. This guide will be edited to reflect the assumed eventual change or update to this Achievement when/if it happpens.

Doing Your Part Doing Your Part

Complete the Tutorial.

From the main menu, select “Academy” > “Tutorial.” Begin the tutorial and follow it all the way to completion. There are actually four Achievements tied to the tutorial.

During the tutorial, you will be following checkpoints. One of the checkpoints will be a computer terminal in the center of a room up a small set of stairs. Interact with it and then install the AI by pressing RB and that will pop “Just the Two of Us.”

Eventually, you will reach an obstacle course area. Before stepping out through the door to do the course, look to the left of the door and you should see an AI terminal that you can interact with. Interact with the terminal and then the timer will be displayed. You can do this on your first run through of the course or you can do the course without the timer to get a feel for it and return back to the starting point. Either way, interact with the terminal and then race through as quick as you can. You do not have to melee the target dummies. You can run past them and straight to the end at the top of the stairs. You also don’t even have to follow the checkpoints. You can cut corners and take whatever shortcuts you can to get through in time. If you can get through in under 25 seconds, you will pop “Greased Lightning.”

Continue on in the tutorial until you reach the weapon’s range area. Complete the weapon’s range but don’t go forward. Instead, go back into the room where you grabbed the assault rifle. The weapon lockers that were previously locked are now unlocked after finishing the weapon’s range area. So go all the way to the back of the room and grab a Sniper rifle out of a now opened locker and you will pop “Make a Little More Noise.”

Just the Two of Us Just the Two of Us

Access your Personal AI.

See the Achievement “Doing Your Part” above for more details.

Make a Little More Noise Make a Little More Noise

Grab a power weapon from the Tutorial armory.

See the Achievement “Doing Your Part” above for more details.

Greased Lightning Greased Lightning

Complete the Movement Yard in under 25 seconds.

See the Achievement “Doing Your Part” above for more details.

Peak Performance Peak Performance

Earn 2,000 score in a matchmade game.

For this, you’re going to have to earn at least 2,000 points in a matchmade game. Like with any multiplayer shooter, you can earn points by getting kills, assists and completing mode specific objectives. It’s not too high of a score requirement. If you’re playing this game a lot, you will likely earn this once you’ve gotten the hang of the game, maps and mechanics.

If you’re struggling to hit that point total, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Slaying with Style Slaying with Style

Earn a Mythic Medal in a matchmade game.

A Mythic Medal is a type of medal. There is no medal actually called “Mythic.” Mythic medals can be a few different things. They are listed below.

    • Fastball: Kill an enemy by hitting them with a grenade. They need to die from the impact of the grenade. Not the actual explosion.
    • Ninja: Kill an enemy by dropping down behind them and hitting them with a backsmack instant kill
    • Overkill: Kill at least four enemies in rapid succession.
    • Perfection: Win a game with 15 or more kills and no deaths.
    • Quigley: Kill two or more enemies with a single round from the Sniper Rifle.
    • Remote Detonation: Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade.
    • Running Riot: Kill at least 15 enemies without dying.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Back to the Chopper Back to the Chopper

Earn “Splatter” with a Brute Chopper in a matchmade game.

As of the time of the beta launch, there is only one map where the Brute Chopper may spawn. I say “may” because it is not guaranteed to spawn, but this is the map (so far) where it will.

When you do find one, get in it and run over an enemy to pop this.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

New Kid on the Block New Kid on the Block

Earn “Perfect” with a VK78 Commando in a matchmade game.

Perfect is when you get a kill by using the least amount of shots to kill an enemy. When using a VK78 the least amount of rounds you can fire to get a kill is only eight. You cannot use more than eight shots on a single enemy with this weapon.

The main issue with this is the recoil of the Commando. You’ve got to shoot quickly to drain the enemy’s health, but not too quickly because the recoil will cause you to miss your shots.

So when aiming the Commando, you’re going to want to aim a little bit below the head. Try to start at the chest area so that when the recoil kicks your weapon up, the shots should go up and still connect by hitting the enemy’s head. This one is going to be a little tricky and will take a few tries.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Party Bus Party Bus

Earn “Mount Up” in a Razorback in a matchmade game.

The Razorback is the Warthog but without the turret. These are pretty common across the Big Team Battles.

You’re going to need to drive one of these and get three more players to jump in. It seats four, so you need to have all seats full. But that’s not it. Before the other players can jump in, you’re going to need to honk the horn with RT. Make sure to only honk the horn one time. You’ll know you did it right when a steering wheel icon appears. The other players will need to jump in after that icon has appeared.

Watt Say You? Watt Say You?

Earn “Chain Reaction” with a Shock Rifle in a matchmade game.

“Chain Reaction” medal is earned by killing an enemy with a shock chain from the shock rifle. So when you shoot an enemy with the Shock Rifle, the electricity will pass from the enemy you shot to an enemy that is nearby chaining them together.

So for this, you’re going to need to kill an enemy that is nearby who is being damaged by the chain. This isn’t the enemy you are actually shooting. It’s the enemy that the electricity is passing on to.

You can actually drop a weapon on the ground and then target the weapon you dropped. The electricity will pass from the weapon on the ground to an enemy nearby.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Peeker's Disadvantage Peeker’s Disadvantage

“Back Smack” an enemy who is zoomed in with a scoped weapon in a matchmade game.

For this, you’re going to have to melee kill an enemy from behind while they are looking down the scope of their weapon. This will actually count with any weapon that can be zoomed in.

You can make this easier by finding and using Active Camo. You will be invisible and will stay hidden unless you sprint or attack. You can use this to try to find and get behind an enemy that is looking through their scope.

Brutality Brutality

Kill an enemy with melee using a bladed weapon in a matchmade game.

Only a few of the weapons are bladed. They are listed below.

    • Shock Rifle
    • Mangler
    • Skewer
    • Ravager

You will need to get a melee kill with any of those weapons equipped. The Energy Sword does not count for this.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Sick Burn Sick Burn

Kill an enemy with the Ravager’s charged shot in a matchmade game.

With a Ravager equipped, you will need to hold down RT to charge up a shot. It will shoot off a charged shot and the ground will also be set on fire. This will also pop if an enemy dies as a result of taking damage from the fire on the ground.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Kebab Kebab

Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Skewer in a matchmade game.

All you need to do here is destroy any enemy vehicle with the Skewer power weapon. Any vehicle will count for this and it is best earned in Big Team Battle. There will be a lot of vehicles and power weapons in BTB.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method. Load up Behemoth when trying to get this against bots.

Skyhook Shot Skyhook Shot

“Grapplejack” an enemy flying vehicle in a matchmade game.

This is best earned in Big Team Battle as there will be more flying vehicles available. First you will need to find a Grappleshot powerup during the match. The spawns are random, so you may get one or you may not.

Once you have one, you will need to wait for an enemy to fly in down kind of low. The Grappleshot doesn’t shoot far, so you’re gonna have to seize the right opportunity when it presents itself. But when it does, shoot the enemy vehicle with the Grappleshot and then hijack it once you get onto the vehicle.

As of the time of launch, it appears that this only works against Wasps.

Working Remote Working Remote

Pick up a weapon using the Grappleshot in a matchmade game.

First you will need to find a Grappleshot powerup during the match. The spawns are random, so you may get one or you may not.

Once you have it, all you have to do is aim it at any weapon that you can pick up and fire it. The Grappleshot will pull the weapon you’re aiming at to you.

Secret Stash Secret Stash

Place an item in the Razorback’s storage in a matchmade game.

First, you will need either a power weapon or an objective (CTF flag, fusion coil) item. You will then need to have a Razorback that you can store your item in.

Go to the back of the Razorback and crouch. You should then see a prompt come up. Press RB to store your item in the storage compartment.

A good place to try and get this is on Fragmentation in Big Team Battle. A Fusion Coil will spawn directly above the Razorback. You can grab the Coil and jump right down to the Razorback to store it as long as it is still there.

Bomb Returned Bomb Returned

Repel an enemy grenade with the Repulsor in a matchmade game.

First you will need to find a Repulsor powerup during the match. The spawns are random, so you may get one or you may not. You can often find these on the map “Recharge.”

Once you have a Repulsor, you’re going to need to use it just as an enemy’s grenade is coming in near you to bounce it back at them.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method. Let a bot see you and bait it into throwing a grenade. It might not do it right away, but you can kinda just side step shots from the bots. They are usually pretty quick to throw a grenade at you.

Do You Even Gift? Do You Even Gift?

Drop a Power Weapon for an ally in a matchmade game.

There is actually a very easy way to earn this Achievement. Once you have any power weapon, equip it and then hold Y to drop it. Tag the weapon and then pick it back up and this will pop.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Multi-class Racer Multi-class Racer

Drive 4 unique vehicles in a game

The description for this Achievement is a little confusing. It has to be four different vehicle types. Not just four different vehicles. So if you drive a Warthog, driving a Razorback after won’t count because they are the same type of vehicle.

Like most of the other Achievements, you’re going to want to go for this on Big Team Battle. As the match goes on, more vehicle types will be dropped in. You’ll be able to get the Warthog and Mongoose type done from the start as those will be available from the beginning of the match. You’ll then need to wait for two other types to be dropped in.

The following vehicles are classified as the same type:

The Ghost is only vehicle (so far) in its type and so is the Brute Chopper.

Warthog Type

    • Warthog
    • Razorback
    • Rocket Warthog

Mongoose Type

    • Mongoose
    • Gungoose

Flying Type

    • Wasp
    • Banshee

Tank Type

    • Scorpion
    • Wraith

They See Me Rollin' They See me Rollin’

Spectate an ally that is driving a Warthog or Razorback in a matchmade game.

This one is all about timing. You’re going to have to die and then spectate another player on your team while they are driving either a Warthog or Razorback. You must spectate another player driving. Spectating a player on the turret will not count for this.

Warthog vehicle types are fairly common on Big Team Battle, so there is a good chance you’ll be able to earn it there. Just keep cycling through your teammates with LB or RB until you come across one driving. Make sure to stay on them and watch them for a few seconds for this to register.

One Shot, Top Mid One Shot, Top Mid

Mark an enemy located at “Top Mid” in a matchmade game.

This can be earned on the map “Aquarius.” When an enemy is at the “Top Mid” location tag them with LT + Up on the D-Pad.

You will know you’re in the right spot as the it will say “Top Mid” on the bottom left side of the screen right next to your radar.

If you did this correctly, it will say that you tagged an enemy at Top Mid on the left side of the screen.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Image location coming soon.

Enemies Everywhere! Enemies Everywhere!

Mark 3+ enemies at once in a matchmade game.

You can mark enemies by holding LT + pressing Up on the D-Pad. All you have to do for this is mark three enemies at once.

If you come across a group of at least three enemies, start trying to tag them.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Natural Formation Location Sensation Natural Formation

Gain access to a loot cave in a matchmade game.

This can be earned on the map Fragmentation in Big Team Battle.

There are two doors that can be hacked on both the left and right side of the map. They will be colored red when they are locked and blue when they are unlocked. All you have to do is use your AI on the console next to whatever door you chose and it will hack it open. It will take a few seconds to hack open and you will need to stay close to the console.

This will pop when the door ism opening.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

A Fellow of Infinite Jest A Fellow of Infinite Jest

Kill three enemies with the ball in an Oddball game in a matchmade game.

In order to earn this, you’re going to have to get three kills while you are holding the ball in Oddball. This can be done across multiple rounds of the same match. It cannot be done across multiple matches. It has to be all in the same match.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Running Laps Running Laps

Capture the flag twice in a Capture the Flag game in a matchmade game.

This one is pretty self explanatory. You have to be the one to capture the flag two times in the same CTF match.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.

Zone Ranger Zone Ranger

Secure 5 zones in a Strongholds game in a matchmade game.

For this, you have to be defending a zone your team has already captured in Strongholds. This must be done all in the same match.

You will need to kill an enemy who is trying to capture your team’s zone. After the enemy is dead, you then have to enter the zone to erase whatever capture progress they made.

You’ll get a “Zone Secured” message on screen when done successfully.

If you’re struggling to get this against human players, there is an easier way to grab this. You can actually earn this by playing Bot Bootcamp as long as you go through Bot Bootcamp Matchmaking. This is something that will likely be patched over time, so grab it quick if you prefer this method.


Revive 3 allies in an Attrition/Elimination round in a matchmade game or custom game.

With season 2 beginning on May 3rd, 2022, this Achievement is finally obtainable! It has also been altered to include the game mode “Attrition”.

This can be earned playing solo with bots. Choose the following settings:

  • Go to Custom Games > Mode Editor > Mode > 343 Industries > Arena: Attrition
  • Mode Editor > Sandbox > Infinite Ammo and Bottomless Clip: ON
  • Mode Editor > Sandbox > Health & Damage > Team Damage Resistance: ON
  • Mode Editor > Sandbox > Bots > Bot Count [Team 1: Eagle] – 2
  • Mode Editor > Sandbox > Attrition > Team Respawn Count: 1
  • Mode Editor > Sandbox > Attrition > Revive Allies Action Time: 1s

Start the game and then kill both of your teammates. Revive one of them by holding cn_X and then kill that bot again. Revive it again and then do it one more time.

Control Freak Control Freak

Assist in capturing all zones that lead to a score in a Total Control game.

As of the time of the beta launch, Total Control can only be played as part of the Big Team Battle playlist.

There are three zones that both teams will be fighting over. In order for a team to score a point, that team will need to have all three zones captured at the same time.

In order to earn this, your team needs to score a point by capturing all three zones and you need to be involved with capturing them. That means that you will need to be in the marked zone to capture it either alone or with your team. You will get a “Zone Captured” message on screen when you are given credit for assisting with the capture. You will need to do this for all three zones and hope your team can hold them to score a point.

If you lose a zone, you will need to assist on recapturing it.

This may just come down to luck in being grouped up with a good team unless you have a party you can roll with.

Straight to the Bank Straight to the Bank

Deposit 5 Power Seeds in a Stockpile game in a matchmade game.

This can be earned on the maps Fragmentation, Highpower or Deadlock in the Stockpile game mode. This mode is in the Big Team Battle playlist.

For this, you have to deposit five power seeds during one match. Grab a Power Seed and try to get back to the top of your base where you can then deposit it.

There are multiple rounds within a single match of Stockpile. You do not have to deposit all five in the same round. This can be done across multiple rounds within the same match.


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