Scorn Achievement Guide

Scorn Trophy Achievement Guide

Welcome to the Scorn Achievement guide!

4/10 Estimated Difficulty
6-10 Estimated Hours to Completion
1 Minimum Playthrough
2 Missable

There are only 12 Achievements to earn here and they are all story related. All you need to do is complete the game from start to finish and you’ll earn 11 of the 12 Achievements.


As previously mentioned, there are 2 Achievements that are missable, but you will earn at least one of them by naturally playing through the story. “001” and “002” are the Achievements in question. Both of them are tied to a choice you can make in the beginning of the game.

The choice is not a black and white one like in a Mass Effect game or something. It’s a choice that you may not even know was there as there are adventure game elements in Scorn. The game expects you to explore and figure these things out on your own.

In order to progress through the section, you’re going to need to acquire a key from a creature in an egg. You’re going to need to cut this creature out of an egg and there are two ways you can do it. Deciding how to extract the creature out of the egg is the choice you’re going to have to make.

Fortunately, this happens near the beginning of the game. So, you can start a new game to do it if you’d like, but you don’t have to. After getting one of the two Achievements in question, you can pause the game and load your save file and do the other one you need. That way you can earn them both in a single playthrough.

Neither of these matter in terms of getting a different ending, in case you were wondering about that as well.

001 001


Missable / Story Related

001 and 002 are the only missable Achievements in Scorn. They’re actually both story related, but they are tied to a choice you make in Act 1. So you’ll get one of them no matter what. You can either finish the game and start a new game to unlock whichever Achievement you missed, or you can do one of them and then immediately reload your save and get the other.

  • 001

Play through Act 1 until you come to a big open room with a raised platform with a spiral walkway around it in the middle of the room.

scorn achievement guide

Enter the room and take the hallway to your immediate right.

scorn achievement trophy guide

Follow the hallway until you come to an elevator on your left. Take the elevator up.

Follow the hallway at the top to to a console at the end of the walkway.

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Interact with the console on the right and move the eggs. You will need to get the two glowing eggs placed into the the glowing position on the top left of the puzzle.

Move the glowing egg on the left to the top left corner first. When you place the egg in the glowing position, back out of the console you’re using. Interact with the other console on the platform to bring the glowing egg over to the elevator.

As you’re moving the egg, it’ll fall and you’ll need to go back to the eggs and move the second one over. Move the second egg over. Again, back out of the console and interact with the other consoles to carry it over to the elevator.

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Once that’s done and the egg has gone down, turn around and exit this area the same way you entered it. Go back to the main room with the raised platform in the middle.

Go around to the back side of the raised platform and interact with the console that controls the crane like machine.

scorn achievement trophy guide

Use the crane to grab the egg and bring it down to set it in the chair.

After placing it in the chair, turn around and go up to the top of the raised platform. At the top, interact with the console and you’ll be given an overhead view of the area below.

Close the bottom left and bottom right rails so that they complete the circle. Leave the rail at the top right set so that it goes away from the circular area and down the hallway.

scorn achievement trophy guide

Go down to the floor and push the cart that the egg is on. Keep pushing it until you come to a spot where the cart will stop. Interact with the console.

scorn achievement trophy guide

After interacting with the console, go back to the cart and continue pushing it. Push it all the way to the end. Interact with another console to move the egg over to a different chair.

Move the egg over to the next chair and then interact with the smaller console in front of the chair that the egg is in. After that, interact with the egg itself and you’ll unlock the 001 Achievement.

  • 002

After you’ve earned 001, pause your game and load your save file. You’ll be back at the beginning of the area when you first entered.

You’ll need to do everything the exact same up until it’s time to change the tracks from the overhead view from the raised platform.

Close the rail on the bottom left and leave everything else alone.

scorn achievement trophy guide

Once that’s done, push the cart on the rail again.

Interact with the console again along the rail when reach the first stop.

Push the egg all the way to the end of the rail. You’ll come to the room where you took the elevator up to the original egg puzzle.

scorn achievement trophy guide

Interact with the big console on the right to move the egg over to the chair. Once it’s in the chair, interact with the smaller console in front of the chair.

After that, interact with the chair where the egg was to pick up the arm and the 002 Achievement will pop.

002 002

Hand in hand

Missable / Story Related

See the “001” Achievement above for more details.

003 003

Hazardous occurrence

Story related

After obtaining the hand from the egg, go down the hallway in the room with the elevator where the 002 Achievement is unlocked.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the hallway until you come to a room with two doorways in it. Go through the one on the left and place the hand in the console on the left to get another key.

scorn trophy achievement guide

From there, turn around and back track just a little bit until you see two consoles on your left.

Interact with the first console to open the door in front of you slightly.

Interact with the second console to fully open the door.

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Enter the now opened door and take the elevator to go up.

From the elevator, go straight and then take the path on the left. Follow it to the area pictured below:

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Stand in the middle on a pressure activated platform and you’ll be given your first weapon.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Turn around and back track the way you came and go through the first doorway on your right. Follow that hallway to a room where you can interact with a console.

Interact with it.

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Go forward behind the console. This next area will be your first encounter with enemies. Make your way through the area with the pillars killing the enemies as you go.

Continue forward until you come to another console.

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Interact with the console. A drone will rise and you’ll be able to control. Bring it over to the left side and pick up the object that comes up from the ground.

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Pick up the object with the drone and brig it over to the newly opened hole on the structure in front of you.

After depositing the object with the drone, turn right go through more pillars to another console. It’ll look just like the first one we used in this area. Interact with it.

You’ll release more enemies. Go back to the middle of the room through the pillars killing more enemies. Make your way back to the drone console again.

Before interacting with it, interact with a smaller console to the right attached to the big structure in the middle. This will release the drone.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After that, interact with the drone console and pick up the next object on the right. Fly it up to the top and insert the object into the top right opening of the structure.

Interact with the console that popped up in front of you. This will release the drone again.

Go back to the drone console and use it to pick up the object directly in front of you. Lift it up and insert it to the hole on the top left of the structure.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After that, another console will spawn directly under the object you just inserted. Go interact with it and that will end the chapter.

004 004

Close encounter

Story Related

From the beginning of the Act, follow the path down the middle of the area. There’s nothing to do other than walking. You’ll walk for a bit, but keep following the path.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the path until you reach the structure pictured below.

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Stay along the right side of the structure and keep walking until you reach a doorway.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Enter the doorway and continue walking. You’ll eventually come to an open area. Take the doorway on the left and keep going.

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The hallway through this door will be narrow and confined. Keep following it and you’ll come to a fork in the path. Go right.

At the next fork, go left. You’ll see something slither up into the ceiling. Go through the doorway just behind where the creature climbed up. You’ll exit the hallway and watch a creature climbing higher up on the walls.

From the exit, go right on the walkway all the way around to another doorway.

scorn trophy achievement guide

As you enter the doorway, you’ll see the creature again. Go through the hallway and go left. Go around this next room until you come across a body propped up against the wall that you can interact with. It will be across from a closed door.

Interact with it to get the key from it.

scorn trophy achievement guide

You can then insert that key to the immediate right of the body. You’ll then be tasked with solving a small puzzle.

You’ll have a nail that you need to move to certain spots in a certain order. Press when the nail is in the correct position.

First, move it to the bottom left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Next, move it to the bottom right.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Then, move it to the top right.

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Finally, move it to the very top in the middle to complete the puzzle.

After completing the puzzle, go around the corner to your left and go back the way you came in here just a bit.

Take your first right and insert the key into a lock that will open a door to your left.

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Go through the newly open doorway and interact with the small console to call an elevator down.

Get on the elevator and go up to the next floor.

From facing the giant red object in the center of the room, go right. Take your first right and then another right. You should see a narrow tube like hallway leading up. Go in it.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go to the top of this pathway and interact with the console at the top.

Highlight the middle doorway and interact with it. The two paths will then connect which will allow you to keep moving forward.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the path until you reach the giant fan like blades. Take a right at the blades and continue following the path straight ahead.

Keep going and you’ll eventually come to a room with an object hanging from the ceiling. Go left and interact with a console. Pull out the three cables to stop the giant fan blades we passed by earlier.

Turn around and leave the way you came and this Achievement will pop after a brief cutscene.

005 005

Key possession

Story Related

From where 004 popped, continue backtracking the way you came all the way back to the giant fan blades.

Go through the fan blades and keep following the path.

Follow the path until you exit to into a room with a ramp up. Go up the ramp and interact with the console. You’ll be solving another quick nail puzzle. Only this time the pieces will be moving. The pieces will briefly stop moving and that is when you will need to nail them.

The first piece will stop moving on the bottom left.

The second piece will stop moving on the top middle.

The third piece will stop moving on the bottom right.

Once you have all three pieces nailed, go to the top middle again to complete the puzzle.

From the puzzle, look to your right to see an elevator. Interact with the elevator to ride it down.

As soon as you step off the elevator, look to your right to see another key for your hand that you can pick up.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After that, open the door nearby by interacting with the console.

This will be the area where we interacted with the body propped up against the wall. So go straight through the door and take a left. Take your first right to return to the room with the big glowing red object hanging from the ceiling.

Call down the elevator and ride it up again.

Follow the same path you did earlier and go back into the tube like tunnel and interact with the console at the top. This time, interact with the door on the left and call it over.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow this path until you reach another room. Take your first right and you’ll come to another nail puzzle. The pieces will be moving again.

The first piece will stop on the bottom left.

The second piece will stop on the top right.

The third piece will stop on the top left.

Again, complete the puzzle will all three pieces nailed by interacting with the top middle.

From the finished nail puzzle, turn around and go straight to another console. Interact with it to clear the way you’ll be going next.

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Control the object and move it twice to the right and then press to clear the path.

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From there, backtrack the way you came through this area and back into the tube like hallway.

Interact with the console at the top and select the path in the middle. This is the path that you just cleared.

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Follow this path to the end to find another nail puzzle slightly to your left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Interact with the puzzle and the pieces will be moving again. Half of the puzzle will also be covered.

The first piece will stop on the top right.

The second piece will stop on the bottom right.

The third piece will stop on the bottom left corner. You won’t be able to see this one, so move to the left twice and then wait. You’ll hear a somewhat loud noise which will tell you that the piece has stopped. Press when you hear that noise.

Return to the top middle to complete the puzzle.

With that puzzle finished, backtrack the way you came through to here. Go into the tube like tunnel and interact with the console at the top.

Select the doorway on the left side.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the path and take your first left. Take another left and ride the elevator down.

From the bottom of the elevator, go right and interact with the lock again.

scorn trophy achievement guide

A new console will become available to your immediate left. Interact with it.

The first piece goes to the bottom.

The second piece goes the top.

The third piece goes to the bottom.

The fourth piece goes to the middle.

After you insert the fourth piece, go up with the left stick to finish the puzzle.

Interact with the console directly in front of you to receive a key and this Achievement will also pop.

006 006

Path forward constructed

Story Related

Turn around from where 005 popped and go straight down the hallway.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go left at the end of the hallway and go back to where the body was that gave us the key earlier. Interact with the door across from the body to open it.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go through the door and continue following the path. It’s a linear section so just keep going until you come across another locked door on your right that you can open with the new key.

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Ride the elevator down behind that door.

As you exit the elevator and go into the room, you’ll be attacked and will take damage.

After that, look straight ahead to see a machine on the wall. This is a health machine. Interact with and you’ll be given a limited amount of heals. Whenever you need to heal, you can hold to regain health.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go down the hallway nearest the health machine to the left of the machine.

Follow this hallway to another locked door. Open it. Go through and take your first right.

Follow this path for a bit until you come to another locked door on your left. Open it and take the elevator.

From the elevator, go straight ahead.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Continue on the path until you come to a machine that you can interact with on your right that will give you an upgrade for your key.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Backtrack the way you came and take your first right to find a door that your newly upgraded key can open. Open it.

Go through the door and stop at the end of the hallway. There will be an enemy down here. If you advance too far into the room, you’ll need to fight it. If you just wait at the end of the hallway, the enemy will eventually leave.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go into the room after the enemy is gone and interact with the console to create an opening to go through. Go through and interact with the console in the next room.

As soon as you interact with the second console, an enemy will spawn. You can either kill it or leave it. Regardless of what you do, go back into the room you came from and interact with the console to close off the opening. This will open a path up above on the walkway.

With the door shut, leave this room the way you originally came. There will be an enemy blocking your path. It’ll take two hits from your weapon to kill it.

With the enemy dead, continue on the path. At the top of the hallway, take the door on the left that slopes down.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow this path around and through the openings you created down below. You’ll eventually come into an area where there will be a console and a lift.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Interact with the console to move the lift over. After a short scene, get on the lift. Get off the lift when it stops and go into the next room to interact with another console.

The console will clear a path to your left. Go through the opening and then down the path. There will be an enemy at the bottom of the hallway to the left. This enemy will take 5 hits to kill. Your weapon will need to cooldown after 2 uses, so make sure to back up and get some distance from the enemy while your weapon refreshes.

Kill the enemy and then continue on the path. Follow the linear path until you come to a walkway that goes both left and right. Take the left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go down the path on the right after that.

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Go through the stuck lift straight ahead and turn right.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow this path up and around until you come to a console. Interact with the console to call up a lift. After that, run to your right. There will be an enemy here that you can kill or run by.

Keep following the path and you’ll come to a health machine that you can use to refill your heals if needed.

From the health machine, keep following the path. Keep going and take the first right. There will be two enemies in this next room. You can run by them quickly and avoid having to fight them. Take the right exit at the end of the room.

scorn trophy achievement guide

There will be a lone enemy in this next hallway that you can kill or run by. Follow the hallway and take the ramp up to the right. There will be another weaker enemy up this path as well.

Run through or fight your way through to the next console you can interact with.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After interacting with the console, two enemies will spawn. One on the left and the right. Kill or run by them, but you need to take the path on the right.

Follow the hallway around and you’ll come to a console with three switches. Use the switch on the left. Run back the way you came, but use the lift to cross the gap on the right.

Go through the door on the left and interact with the machine inside and you’ll receive a new weapon. From the weapon machine, turn around and there will be another machine that will refill your ammo. Make sure to interact with it and then press to reload.

scorn trophy achievement guide

There will be three enemies that spawn to the left when you exit the room. Kill them and then interact with the nearby console.

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This console is a puzzle. Move the top left part 3 times.

Move the middle piece 5 times.

Move the top right piece 4 times.

Move the middle 4 more times.

Move the top right 3 times.

Move the middle another 4 times.

Grab the item that comes out of the machine and then backtrack through the lift that you used to cross earlier. Head back to the console with 3 switches and insert the piece you just grabbed from the previous puzzle.

Insert the piece in the middle slot.

Go back to the lift that you used to cross, get in it and wait for it to take you down. Exit on the floor underneath.

There will be three enemies that spawn in this next section. You will likely not have enough ammo for them all, so be ready to switch back to the original weapon with the D-Pad when you’re empty.

If you’re having trouble with these enemies, run by them and to the console. Keep the console in front of you and circle it. The enemies will follow you around the console and you can deal damage on them by playing the angles. After you get two hits on an enemy, get behind the pillar for cover and let your weapon refresh.

When the enemies are dealt with, use the health machine to refill your heals and then interact with the console to solve another puzzle.

The puzzle solution is as follows:

Turn the middle piece 5 times.

Turn the bottom piece 3 times.

Turn the left piece 4 times.

Turn the bottom piece 4 times.

Grab the puzzle piece and then head back to the lift to the top and go back to the three key console and input the piece you just picked up. There will be another enemy that spawns here. You can run by it and get to the lift.

Go back to the lift and take it down to the bottom floor. Exit the lift to the left and then go interact with the console.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go right and follow the path toward where the lift was taken and interact with another console.

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Turn the arm holding the lift over to the right and then interact with the other console in front of you near the arm. This will raise the entire platform that you’re on. After that, go back to the arm control and drop the lift on the right.

Walk over to the right side near the lift and use yet another console to move the lift over to the other side.

The Achievement will pop here.

007 007

Story Related

At the lowermost point

From the last console from 006, enter the lift and take it around. Exit the lift and then take the right to an ammo machine and refill your ammo.

From there, turn around go back toward the lift. Make a turn to go right instead of going all the way back to the lift.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Continue following the path. Don’t take the left turn, keep heading straight. There will be a weak enemy as you turn around a corner heading left. Take it out and keep going. Pass through another lift to cross a gap and keep going.

Take the first left after passing through the stuck lift and go down the hallway. Interact with the console that you come to. You’ll need to switch to the first weapon you acquired in order to use the console.

The gate on the right will open. Go through it and head left. There will be an enemy that spawns. It will take 5 shots to kill it, so be ready.

Go through the entrance that the previous enemy came through.

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Take a left in the next area through a tunnel and then take a right at the end of the tunnel.

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Interact with the console to open another gate. Go through the gate and head right. Take the second right and another right to an elevator. Ride the elevator up and then interact with the console on the right.

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Turn around and go back down the elevator. There’s going to be an enemy down here, so be ready to kill it.

Kill the enemy and go through the path that we opened with the previous console on the floor above.

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Follow the path shortly and you’ll come to a round room with a glowing red object in the middle. Go to the left to the closed gate and use your first weapon to kill the enemy behind it. You’ll be able to do this without taking damage, thankfully.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Once the enemy is dead, turnaround and interact with the console on the other side of the room to open the gate. Go through opened gate and interact with the console to upgrade your key.

Upgrade your key and look to the left to find an ammo refill machine as well. Refill your ammo and then backtrack the way you came.

Backtrack to the elevator we used earlier and go up. Exit the elevator and go left to find a locked door that your newly upgraded key can now open. Open the door and there is a health station to your immediate left. Refill your heals.

Turn around from the health station and go straight to enter a lift. Ride the lift around and go straight when you exit it.

There will be an enemy hanging from the ceiling that you will need to kill ahead of you.

When it’s dead, continue straight down the path and follow it around until you come to a fork in the road. Go left and you’ll encounter another big enemy. So have your weapon reloaded and your health ready.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Kill the enemy and continue down the path until you come across the elevator and ride it down. Exit the elevator and head forward. The Achievement will pop as you make your way forward.

008 008

Station to station

Story Related

Continue down the hallway from previous elevator where 007 popped. At the end of the hallway, turn right and follow that path for a bit.

There will be an enemy hanging from above, but you can run by it without a fight.

When you come to the end of the hallway, go up the ramp to the right and then interact with a console up here and then press again.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After that, go down the ramp you came up and there will be an enemy down here. Kill it and then go through the entry way it came from. This will take you through a narrow pathway.

At the end of that narrow pathway will be a room with a console. Interact with it and then turn around. Take the path on the left and follow it for a while. There will be enemies here, but you’re better of sprinting by them and not fighting them.

Continue until you reach a fork in the path.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Instead of taking a turn, go straight. Keep going straight to the other side. Go down either ramp and then turn around and head under the walkway you just entered from. Leave the console for now.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Keep going straight and you’ll come to a machine that’ll give you a new weapon. Interact with it and then there will be an ammo machine to the left. Reload the ammo on both of your weapons and then equip the new one as we will need it shortly.

From the new weapon room, exit and take a left. There will be an enemy down this hallway so be ready to use your new weapon.

Kill the enemy and go to the end of the hallway to find an elevator. Ride it up and turn around. There will be enemies up here, but you can run by them. Run to the hallway on the right and go up a bit. Take the first left and be ready to fight 3 enemies.

Kill the enemies and take the path to the right that goes up.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go up the ramp, go left and go to the end of the path to find another upgrade for your key.

Go back down to where you killed the 3 enemies below and go to the far side of the room to find a door that you can now unlock. Open it and take the first left.

Follow the path to a room where a console can be found on the left. Interact with it and be ready for 2 enemies to spawn immediately after.

scorn trophy achievement guide

There is also a health machine behind the console, so be sure to refill your heals.

After dealing with the enemies and refilling your health, take the path on the left side of this room.

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Follow the path around and you’ll be back to where we entered earlier at the fork. This time, go straight again but then take a left at the bottom of the ramp. The way forward will be split. Take the one on the right and interact with another console.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go through the now opened gate and head right. Take the first right to another narrow hallway. Follow it down to a console. Interact with it and then head back the way you came to the room with the fork in it.

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When you’re back in that room, go left and run straight the very back. Go down either ramp and then head under the walkway ignoring the console again.

Take a left just before the room where we picked up the third weapon and unlock the door.

Follow the hallway to the end to find another elevator. Ride it up and be ready for an enemy up here that you need to kill. Kill the enemy and switch to your original weapon to interact with the console up here.

Ignore the newly opened gate for now. Instead, turn around and run to the path on the left side of this room. There will be a bigger enemy in here, but you can run by it. Run to the elevator and take it up.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Exit the elevator and go down the path. Slowly walk up and you’ll see an enemy ahead on the right. If you wait just a bit, the enemy will leave. When it has left, interact with the console on the right.

Go down the path where the enemy was that left. Follow the hallway all the way down and you’ll come to an ammo machine. Refill your ammo and then reload both of your weapons.

Backtrack to the elevator, but be ready as there will be a heavy enemy in front of you. Quickly kill it and keep running toward the elevator. There will be a second heavy enemy that spawns behind you, so make sure to kill the one in front of you as quick as you can. You can ignore the one behind you when the one in front is dead as you can just run straight to the elevator.

Take the elevator down and be ready for more enemies. Head straight off of the elevator and kill the enemies that approach you. There will also be a health machine in front of you, so make sure to use it.

Go forward past the health machine and take your first right down a narrow hallway. Go to the end of it and interact with the next console.

After that’s done, backtrack to the top of the narrow path and go right.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow that hallway and you’ll return to the room with a fork in the path yet again.

Once again, go to the very back of this room and take either side path down. This time, interact with the machine and it’ll be time to solve another puzzle.

Move the glowing dot to the bottom right in the center and press .

scorn trophy achievement guide

On the next screen, move the glowing dot to the bottom right and then press .

scorn trophy achievement guide

On the next screen, move the glowing dot up so that is to the right of the orange dot and then press .

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On the next screen, move the glowing dot over to the right twice and then press .

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On the next screen, leave the dot where it is. Do not move it, just press .

On the next screen move the dot up just a bit.

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On the next screen, do not move the dot. Leave it where it is and press .

On the final screen, move the dot to the orange spot to complete the puzzle.

After completing the puzzle and regaining control, go up the ramp to your left from the puzzle console.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow that linear path until you get a short scene upon entering a rail car like machine.

Ride the rail car and this Achievement will pop at the end of the track,

009 009


Story Related

Continue following the path from where 008 popped. Follow it up the stairs, outside and into the next station.

When you enter the station, go toward the statue of the creature straight ahead and then take a left into a doorway.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go all the way down the staircase and then grab a vile from the center of the room to the right.

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From the vile, go back down straight through the hallway opposite of the vile’s location.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the hallway to the end and interact with a machine on your right to place the vile which will then open a door to your right.

Go through the open door and follow the hallway to the end. There will be both health and ammo machines in the room you exit into. Be sure to fill up on both and reload both of your weapons.

After that, pick up the small creature in the reddish pink case and carry it over to the other side of the room and place it in the open slot that resembles a body.

Use your first weapon to attack the pink case and then use it again to kill the creature that is inside of it. Do not waste any ammo here, make sure to use the first weapon.

With that creature killed, pick it up and carry it back to where we inserted the vile earlier.

You’ll pick up the vile and then need to take it back to where we originally found it. Place it back there.

Go back down the hallway we just came from and insert the now empty vile back into the same machine where we put it earlier with the creature.

Go back into the room where we found the creature along with the ammo and health machines. Pick up the second pink creature container and put it in the same body as earlier. Things will go a little different here than last time. This time, you’ll be facing a boss.

It can be a pretty challenging fight, so make sure you’re stocked up on health and ammo. Have your third weapon out and ready to go.

The easiest way I found to take the boss down was to get behind the round cage in the room. Keep the cage in front of you and the boss will be on the other side trying to walk around it to get you. Let the boss get a little close while keeping the cage between you both. The boss will fire attacks at you. Try to dodge them. Keep dodging them and the boss will eventually go down on a knee and reveal two weak points on its side. Shoot those weak points when they are revealed.

When the boss fires, just keep strafing to the left or right depending on the angle you’re facing it.

Doing it like this will save your ammo. Otherwise, you would need to attack the legs to get it to take a knee.

scorn trophy achievement guide

scorn trophy achievement guide

When both of the weak points are destroyed, you can take this time to take the remaining ammo from the ammo machine if you had any left over.

Go over to the boss who will be down and interact with it. It will come back to life and attack you again.

Attack the legs during this second phase and it will eventually be stunned revealing the creature in its stomach as the weak point. Attack that pink area when you see it. It will only take two hits to kill it

The boss will go down and the creature will fall out of it.

Interact with the gun on the boss to pick it up and then pick up the creature.

Bring the creature to same machine with the vile as earlier and repeat the same process again. After that, you’ll have the vile half full.

Return to the room where you fought the boss. Enter the room and go to the right to stand on a pressure plate.

scorn trophy achievement guide

When you stand on the plate, the wall in front of you will open up. Fire a single shot from your new weapon and the explosion will open the gate to your left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Before picking up the third creature, go to boss’ body and interact with the back of it to refill the ammo for your new weapon.

Now, go pick up the third creature and insert it to the same body like machine.

Another boss fight will begin when you place the third creature.

Just like before, dodge the shots fired at you and then use your new weapon to fire at the boss’ open back when it stops to reload. It will only take one shot to kill it.

Refill your ammo from the original boss’ ammo pack on its back and then pick up the third creature. Take it back to the vile machine and finish filling the vile.

Backtrack to the room where you originally found the vile. You won’t be able to place the second vile as the parasite you’re infected with will prevent you from doing so.

Instead, exit this room the way we originally entered it. Go to the doorway and go right to head downstairs.

scorn trophy achievement guide

At the end of this staircase will be another pressure plate straight ahead. Stand on it and fire a shot through a open wall again.

Go through the now open gate and go right. There is a health machine in the next room as well as a machine that will temporarily heal the parasite on your left hand.

scorn trophy achievement guide

After you’ve temporarily cleared your hand, turn around and open the locked gate.

Stand on another pressure plate and fire another shot through an open wall.

scorn trophy achievement guide

The explosion will lower the gate in front of you to reveal an upgrade machine for your key. However, the parasite will likely have grown back by now. So return to the temporary machine and use it again. Quickly run to the key upgrade and upgrade your key before the parasite can grow back.

There is extra ammo in this room to the right of the pressure plate, but you will not be able to pick it up with the parasite on your hand. So if you need ammo, you will need to temporarily remove the parasite and quickly grab some before it can grow back.

Upgrade your key and then backtrack a little bit to the circular room with a bridge through the middle.

There is another machine in this room that will temporarily remove the parasite to the left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Remove the parasite and then quickly run across the bridge and unlock the door.

scorn trophy achievement guide

In this next room will be a machine that will permanently remove the parasite.

scorn trophy achievement guide

But you won’t be able to use your hand. So go back and temporarily remove the parasite one more time. Quickly run back to this chair and interact with it to remove the parasite once and for all.

Aim for the parasite’s head with the machine and press to remove it.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Back out of the machine and the Achievement will then pop shortly after.

010 010

Fluid flowing within

Story Related

From where 009 popped, exit the room and start to backtrack.

The gate will be closed on the other side of the bridge room, so go right.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Interact with the console in the next room to open the gate ahead of you.

Go forward and then go left.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Go up the stairs to your right. At the top of those stairs, turn right again and you’ll be where this area originally started after getting off of the rail car.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Follow the same path you took when first coming here to make your way to back to the room where the vile needs to be placed.

Place the vile in the other machine and this Achievement will pop.

scorn trophy achievement guide

011 011

Perception Beyond

Story Related

From 010, the platform you’re on will rise up.

Turn around and interact with machine in front of you.

scorn trophy achievement guide

This Achievement will pop during the cutscene that follows.

012 012


Story Related

When you regain control after popping 011, head up the stairs in front of you.

Go to the right and interact with a machine to get a key.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Then, go up to the top and interact with the console.

Press to switch characters.

As the other character, interact with the machine behind you.

scorn trophy achievement guide

You’ll pick up the body. Turn around and go up the stairs carrying the body.

Go to the very top and stand on the pressure plate to open the path in front of you.

scorn trophy achievement guide

Keep walking straight forward and the game will end.

This Achievement will pop when the game returns you to the main menu.


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