Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 Collectible Guide

hellblade 2 achievement guide roadmap

Welcome to the Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 Collectible guide! This guide will also act as the Achievement guide and roadmap.

  • 1/10 Estimated Difficulty
  • 6 – 8 – Estimated Hours to Completion
  • 1 – Minimum Play-through
  • 0 – Missable Achievements
  • 0 – Difficulty Related Achievements
  • 0 – Online Achievements

This Achievement guide is going to be structured a little differently than a usual Trophy or Achievement guide. For Hellblade 2, there are only 11 Achievements. 7 of them are unmissable story related Achievements. Two of them are tied to collectibles and the other 2 are miscellaneous. Every single one will be listed here in the order they come a long with all of the collectibles. All you have to do is follow this guide straight through and you will earn all 11 of the Achievements in a single playthrough. This can also be done on any difficulty.

The guide will be broken down into chapters and then sub chapters.


There are two different types of collectibles in Hellblade 2. There are 18 Lorestangir and 17 Hidden Faces. Anything that you miss during your playthrough of the game can be cleaned up via chapter select. The chapters are broken down into sub-chapters and those will be listed below.

Lorestangir are totem like structures found through out the game. When you find one, you need to hold either or while staring at it and you’ll zoom in on it. Hold it until the symbol on the totem lights up red. Once that happens, it will be marked as “collected.”

Hidden Faces are big stone faces that are blended into walls through out the game. When you find one, you need to hold either or while staring at it and you’ll zoom in on it. Hold it until the face disappears. Once that happens, a path will open up where the face was located. You will need to go down the newly opened path and interact with a small tree. You will need to once again hold either or while staring at the tree and it will then be marked as “collected.”

Video Guide

Chapter I – Reykjanestá

  • Landfall

Worth a Thousand Words Worth A Thousand Words – As soon as you get control of Senua, press Up on the D-Pad to enter Photo mode and pop your first Achievement.

Lorestangir #1 – This will be ahead of you slightly on the right after climbing through the first pile of debris.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

Chapter II – Freyslaug

The Next Sign The Next Sign – This is story related. It will pop at the beginning of this chapter.

  • Freyslaug Sighted

Lorestangir #2 – Walk forward a bit at the very beginning of the chapter and head slightly right. Go in-between the two huts and past the haystack to find this collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Return Home

Lorestangir #3 – Progress through the chapter until you go through the barn with the body hanging from the hook. As soon as you exit the barn, go left. Follow a narrow path into a fenced area. Once in there, go left and crouch under the debris. This will be on your right after crouching under the debris.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Hidden Face #1 – From the previous collectible, return to the story path and head forward toward the lit torch on the slight left. This is before crossing the bridge. Go into that that area and zoom in on the wall of the building on the right. After zooming in on the correct area, a hole will open in the side of the building. Go inside and zoom in on the tree.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Draugar Ceremony

Lorestangir #4 – Progress through the chapter until you come to the cutscene with Fargrimr. After the scene, follow the story path. You’ll slide across a ledge watching a fight below. From there, you’ll then drop down a ledge. At the bottom go forward until you can go left. There will be a ladder that you can climb. Climb up, hop over the waist high stone wall on the right and follow this path to the end where this collectible can be found.

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hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Meeting the Stranger

The Man in the Middle The Man in the Middle – This is story related. It will pop as you walk away with the man.

Hidden Face #2 -After the combat encounter, you’ll be walking with Fargrimr. Follow him to the bridge. Just before the bridge, go to the left and you should notice the face in the rock wall along the left side. Zoom in on it to reveal a path further ahead. Keep going down the path until you come to the tree.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #5 -From the previous collectible, return to the story path and follow Fargrimr down the hill a bit. Eventually, you’ll come to a fork in the path. This will happen right around where the voices are you telling you to go to his village. Instead of following him further down the hill, take the path left and follow it to the end where this will be waiting.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Chapter III – Rauðhólar

  • Red Hills

Hidden Face #3 – This is found at the very beginning of the chapter when you are walking with Fargrimr and Thórgestr. As you get to the entrance of the destroyed village marked by a white stick standing up, go to your immediate right. Go to a back area on the right to find this face in the stone wall.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





hellblade 2 collectible guide

Hidden Face #4 –  From the previous collectible, go back to the white stick standing up at the entrance of the village. From that stick, go to the left and straight toward the house that looks like it was split in two down the middle. Go behind that house straight back to the rock wall to find this face. Zoom in and enter the new path to find the tree.

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hellblade 2 collectible guide

Lorestangir #6 – From the previous collectible, backtrack to where the hidden stone face was. If you’re coming back from the path to the hidden face tree, go left to the rock wall to find this. If you’re coming from the story path, this will be on your right past the house.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • On the Hill

Lorestangir #7 – Progress through the chapter until you exit the forest. When you regain control of Senua after the ensuing cutscene, turn around before going down and follow the path around the back side of the village. It will take you up to the top where you can find this collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Hidden Face #5 – From the previous collectible, climb down from the village on the story path. Keep going and you’ll pass by a big puddle of water on your right. From there, keep heading straight and you should see the face ahead slightly on the left. Follow the path that opens behind the face to find the tree.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

Hidden Face #6 – Progress until you complete the puzzle that has you placing two spheres on cairns to open the gateway ahead of you. Open the gate and go through. This face will be on your right shortly ahead.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

Lorestangir #8 – From the previous collectible, get back on the story path and follow it briefly. You’ll come to a rock you have to crouch through. Before crouching through, go to the left side and climb up the ledge. Squeeze through the rocks at the top and then follow the path that goes right to find this collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





hellblade 2 collectible guide

Hidden Face #7 – Complete the next sphere and cairn puzzle. Progress further and you’ll drop down 2 ledges. After the second, go forward until you see a ledge on your right. Climb up that and another ledge. This face will be on your right at the top of the second ledge.

Hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #9 – From the previous collectible, get back to the story path and walk between the big puddles of water. Just after going between those, look to your left to see an opening in the rocks that you can squeeze through. Squeeze through them and then follow the path to the collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #10 – From the previous collectible, drop back down to the story path. Go past the three big puddles of water and crouch through the small cave like opening on your right. Do not go forward and drop down. Follow the path after crouching through to the collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Find the Hiddenfolk

Lorestangir #11 – This will be found during the next sphere and cairn puzzle. After you’ve placed two of the spheres, this collectible will hanging upside down from the ceiling near the third sphere.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

The Hidden World The Hidden World – This is story related. It will pop as you walk into the area you opened upon completing the final sphere/cairn puzzle.

Chapter IV – Huldufólk

  • Enter the Caves

Hidden Face #8 – This is found in the very beginning of the chapter after grabbing the torch and squeezing through the rock opening. Drop down a ledge and then crouch under a low hanging rock. As you’re crouching through, look to the left to see this face along the wall.

Hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #12 – From the previous collectible, continue crouching through the area. You’ll have to drop down three ledges in here. After dropping down the third, go to your immediate right. Go by the propped up shield and you’ll see a ledge around the corner. Climb up that ledge and follow the path to this.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Hidden Face #9 – Progress through the chapter until you light the blue fire. Keep going from there until you drop down a ledge. As soon as you drop down, look to your immediate right and take that path. Follow it until it brings you to another blue fire. Interact with the fire by pressing to put it out. Once you’ve put out that flame, turn around and this face will be on the wall behind you.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





hellblade 2 collectible guide

Hidden Face #10 – Progress further into the chapter until you drop down into some water. As soon as you land, turn around and walk toward the wall to find this face.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

Lorestangir #13 – Progress further into the chapter until you come to another puzzle that requires you to interact with 2 more blue flames. After interacting with the second one, cross over the bridge it made and crouch through the next section. While crouching, stick to the right side and you will come across a ledge you can drop down that will take you to the collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Act of Sacrifice

Hidden Face #11 – Progress much further into the chapter until you get to the section where you have to follow the particles of light in the dark cave. The light particles will lead you out by squeezing through a crevice. The next section of cave will have some light coming in. As you head into this cave, there will be rocks floating on your left and right. Look to the left to see this face on the left wall.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #14 – From the previous collectible, follow the story path and drop down the next ledge. In this area, go straight to the back and take the right path to find this collectible. Going left will advance the story which will miss this.

hellblade 2 collectible guide

Chapter V – Bárðarvik

  • To the Sea

Returned to the Earth Returned to the Earth – This is story related. It will pop as this chapter begins.

Hidden Face #12 – Near the very beginning of the chapter you’ll be walking with Fargrimr and Thórgestr. Keep following the path until you are alone. Continue heading down until you come to a stream of water. This will be on your right in the stream.


Lorestangir #15 – From the previous collectible, follow the path up the mountain. Take the first right and the path will lead back toward the stream, but above it. When you come to the waterfall, look to your right to see this collectible in the stream.

HELLBLADE 2 COLLECTIBLE GUIDE hellblade 2 collectible guide





hellblade 2 collectible guide

  • Sjávarrisi

Hidden Face #13 – Progress through the chapter until you are walking with Ástríðr. She will lead you to a gap that you need to squeeze through. Before squeezing through, look to your right to see this face in the rocks next to you.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Lorestangir #16 – Continue following Ástríðr. She’ll have you climbing and squeezing through more areas. You’ll come to a section where you drop down a ledge and then hop over another one. After climbing up, go to your right to find a path that leads to a cave you can crouch through. Crouch through and keep going until you come to this collectible.

hellblade 2 collectible guide hellblade 2 collectible guide





Hellblade 2 collectible guide

Hidden Face #14 – First, you will need to solve the puzzle that requires you to zoom in on the three symbols to open the blocked path. After going through that blocked path, follow the path and look on the right to find this face.





  • Another Question

Lorestangir #17 – This is found during the next glyph scanning puzzle. When facing the locked door, go to your left to climb up a ledge. Follow it toward the wall that you can disapear by focusing in on the blue orb. Zoom in on the orb to remove the wall ahead of you and you will come to the middle glyph of the design on the door. This can either be your first or second scanned glyph. After scanning, continue following the path around and you will drop down a ledge. There will be ship wreckage in front of you. Go behind that ship wreckage and through the blue mist to a hole in the wall that you can squeeze through. Squeeze through and then follow the path as it goes to the right and this collectible will be at the end.









Hidden Face #15 – From the previous collectible, turn around and leave this area the same way you came in. This face will be on your left just before squeezing back through the wall.

Hidden Face #16 – Progress through the chapter until you finish the underwater section. When you’re back on land, you’ll be making your way through a village. This is found behind the third house on your right.





Tales of Midgard Tales of Midgard / Lorestangir #18 – From the previous collectible, turn around head back toward the main story path. There will be a big house directly in front of you as you get back to the path. Go behind that house. It is on the left side of the main path. Go behind it and follow a side path that goes up a slight hill and into an area with waist high brick walls. This will be at the top of that path.





Glimpses of the Gods Glimpses of the Gods / Hidden Face #17 – From the previous collectible, turn around and follow that path that splits off to the left in this area. It will lead you to a house next to a burning torch. The final face is found behind that house near the torch.





The Storm Calmed The Storm Calmed – This is story related. It will pop after the cutscenes after the boss battle against Sjávarrisi.

Chapter VI – Borgarvirki

There are no collectibles in Chapter 6.

A Guiding Light A Guiding Light – This is story related. It will pop when you leave with Thórgestr after leaving the forest.

End the Tyranny End the Tyranny – This is story related. It will pop after the credits.

Seeing Things Differently Seeing Things Differently – After you’ve completed the game, you will have unlocked new narrators. From the main menu, go to Settings > Audio > Narrator. From there change it to anything other than “Original.” If you followed this guide, you will have “The Others” and “Druth” unlocked as alternate narrators. Choose one of the new narrators and then load up any sub chapter and this Achievement will pop.

With that, you will have unlocked all 11 Achievements in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II!


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