Syphon Filter 3 Trophy Guide

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

Welcome to the Syphon Filter 3 Trophy guide!

2/10 Estimated Difficulty
5 – 10 Estimated Hours to completion
1 Minimum Playthrough
0 Missable

All of the Trophies in Syphon Filter 3 except for one are tied to completing missions. There are 19 missions to complete and none of them are that long or difficult. Just play through the game from start to finish and you’ll get 99% of the Trophies.

The only other Trophy in the game not tied to the story is earned by killing a single enemy with the knife. It does not have to be a specific enemy. It can be any random enemy.

Make your own checkpoint

Just like with the previous PS One classics, Syphon Filter 3 allows you to press Options and rewind gameplay as well as make saves anywhere.

This makes the game incredibly easy to get through. If at any point you die, mess something up or take too long. You can press Options to rewind your gameplay and try whatever you did again. You can essentially make this a trial and error system.

There is no punishment for rewinding and it will not disable Trophies. Feel free to make use of this feature as often as you need while playing through the missions.

Syphon Filter Trophy Guide

Syphon Filter 2 Trophy Guide

Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow Trophy Guide

 To Begin Anew

Unlock all trophies in Syphon Filter 3

Here is a full game walkthrough if video is preferred over text.

 Checking Out

Complete ‘Hotel Fukushima’

This earned by completing the very first mission of the game, Hotel Fukushima.

As you gain control of Gabe for the first time, head straight forward to the hotel employee by the elevators and a cutscene will play.

After the scene, walk forward toward the sign on the wall and head left. We’re looking for room 413 which is the last room on the right side of the hallway. Press to open the door and go into the bathroom to find your equipment. After getting your equipment, another cutscene will play. When the scene ends, you’ll be in a firefight with enemies in the building across the street.

You can use the sniper rifle to kill the enemies from your room. You can back up or take cover behind the wall to the right of the window. Press to peek around the wall and kill the enemies. The objective here is to kill four different officers. They won’t spawn all at once. The officers will be wearing a green uniform.

Kill the enemies in the building and the officers will spawn. After killing enough of the normal enemy type, two officers will spawn on the bottom floor. Kill them and then kill more of the trench coat enemies to get the next officers to spawn. They will spawn up in the top right window and top left window.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

After killing the officers, it’ll be time to leave the hotel room. Switch to your pistol before leaving the room. Leave the room and head back toward the elevators. There will be an enemy shooting at you as soon as you exit your room. Kill him and continue down the hallway to elevator. There will be another enemy at the elevators. Kill them and there will be another cutscene.

Afterwards, continue heading down the hallway. This is the opposite direction from when we looked for room 413. There will be an open door at the end of the hallway that takes you to a staircase. There will be two enemies with shotguns waiting for you near the door. Kill them and equip the shotgun quickly as there will be more enemies rushing you. The first will come from the direction of the elevators behind you. Two will come through the stairway door. When they’re dead, go through the door and head down the stairs.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

Keep the shotgun equipped. As you run down the stairs enemies will be waiting around the corners. As you run use the quick lock on with and one shot them with the shotgun. This is a long staircase so just keep running down until you reach the very bottom.

You’ll then be in a linear hallway. Follow it and continue killing enemies. You’ll eventually come to a fork where you can go left or right. Going left will advance the mission. Going right will lead you to a room that has a Flak Jacket in it. Grab the armor if you need it. If you do grab it, there will be three enemies waiting outside of the room for you. Peek around the corner of the door way and pick them off.

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Head down the left side of the fork and you’ll come to two enemies that are holding a hotel employee hostage. Kill the enemies and keep following the hallway. Go through the laundry room and another cutscene will play as you go to exit. Follow the hallway and head up the stairs. There will be an enemy at the top of the stairs that has a Flak Jacket on. You can get him with a headshot from down below or rush him with the shotgun. It’ll take multiple shots to kill him. There will be another enemy near the hostage and two more that come from around the corner. Kill the three enemies and the hostage will then follow you.

As soon as the cutscene with the hostage ends, there will be an enemy attacking you from where you just came from, so be ready to deal with him.

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Move on to the kitchen area and peek around the corner to find two more enemies waiting to ambush you. Kill them and enter the kitchen. There will be an enemy further in the kitchen and another that attacks you from behind via the door you entered.

Make your way through the kitchen and exit to the hallways. Be ready for more enemies. As you enter the hallway, the hostage will stay behind and take cover behind a desk.

Head forward to the front lobby and kill the enemies. When they’re dead, interact with the gate switch and go into the lobby to end the mission. You don’t see an actual switch behind the desk, so just press when the text appears.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

 Vines and Mines

Complete ‘Costa Rican Plantation’

This earned by completing the second mission of the game, Costa Rican Plantation.

There are a few objective in this mission so, this will be broken down into sections by objective.

For this, all you really have to do is follow Lian. Take out the enemies that appear and keep following Lian. You’ll also be instructed to blow up turrets. All you have to do is throw a grenade at them. The explosion radius is pretty generous, so just get the grenade near the turret and it’ll explode.

Follow Lian and kill the enemies that attack you. You’ll eventually follow Lian to an area through an open gate in a fence which is where Ellis will be. Go near him to initiate the next cutscene and checkpoint.

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After finding Ellis, you’ll still be following Lian and there will still be enemies on your path. They will run toward, they’ll be up in trees and they will come from behind you. Make sure to use the auto target to deal with them quickly. You’ll eventually reach an area with hut like structures.

There will be a hut on the left and right. Enter the hut on the left.

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Go inside and head to the right side to find the Sample Kits in a box on a table. Interact with the box to pick them up.

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After grabbing the sample kits, go just a bit further into the building and go to the left side to find the Mine Detector in a box on the ground. It’ll be behind a bog stack of crates with a guard near it.

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Pick up the Mine Detector and then back track to the door that you entered this building. Now, head into the hut on the right.

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Make your way through the hut. There will be enemies waiting for you in here, so be ready with auto lock. About halfway through the building will be a room on the right. There will be a Flak Jacket on some crates directly across from the doorway. Enter it and interact with the computer to transmit the coordinates which will complete the objective.

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After interacting with the computer, exit the room and go right to end of this building. As you exit the hut, there will be a helicopter right in front of you.

There will also be three enemies out here. One on the far side of the helicopter, one up in a tree by the nose of the helicopter and another at the base of that same tree. Kill the enemies and then interact with the nose of the helicopter to sabotage it.

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Deal with the helicopter and then backtrack to through the building you just came through to the entrance. There will be more enemies on your way through.

Exit the hut and head right which will lead you straight toward some plants that are on fire. There will also be a smaller on hut on your right.

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As you approach the fire, the path will head to right. Follow it and you’ll come to a fence with an open gate. Go through it and kill the enemy that is beating the slave. Walk up to the slave and she’ll ask you to free her friend. Her friend can be found behind the crates in the same area. Head right after the short scene with the first slave and you’ll find the second nearby.

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Approach the slave and she’ll run away.

Head back down to the path and you’ll see another small field of plants burning to the right. Go to the plants that aren’t on fire and press to collect the first sample.

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Head forward until you come to the turret encampment. When you reach that, go right up the hill and you’ll see more burning plants. Keep heading forward and the next field will be on the left. Interact with it and get the second plant sample.

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Continue right after getting the second sample. There will be a turret encampment just ahead. Go past that killing enemies in the area. Go past the burning plants on the left and follow the path down to right just after another turret encampment.

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Keep following this path for a bit. It’ll turn right at a fire. Continue going and you’ll come to a fence with an opening in it.

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Go through the fence and follow the path to the left. The third field will be just past another turret encampment.

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Pick up the third plant sample and then go left. You’ll come to a mine field.

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The Mine Detector we picked up earlier will reveal the mines on your mini map. Slowly inch your way through and around the mines to enter the tunnel. After receiving a call in the tunnel, run forward to end the mission.

 Mile High Stowaway

Complete ‘C-5 Galaxy Transport’

This earned by completing the third mission of the game, C-5 Galaxy Transport.

This is a short and quick mission. You need to make it to the front of the plane first.

As soon as the mission starts there will be two enemies in here with you. Kill them both and advance to the next area. There will be a lone enemy firing at you as you enter the next area. Kill him and go toward the stairs. As you approach them, Rhoemer will run down the stairs to the back of the plane where you just came from.

Ignore him for now. Another enemy will come down the stairs shortly after Rhoemer. Kill him and go up the stairs. Kill the co-pilot in the cock pit. He is the one on the right. Do not kill the pilot on the left.

You can head shot the co-pilot from the stairs by using first person mode.

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Approach the pilot to interact with him. After that, interact with the panel on the side of the cockpit to open the cargo door at the back of the plane.

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After that, exit the cockpit. Go back down the stairs and go under them to find three boxes. Two of them have a UAS-12 and the other has a Flak Jacket. Pick up and equip the UAS-12 and replenish your armor if you need it.

Now, head to the back of the plane. As soon as you enter, Rhoemer will be near the open the door. Spam him quickly with UAS-12 rounds to push him out the open door. If you run out of ammo, go back to the three crates for more.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

 Fool’s Gold

Complete ‘Pugari Gold Mine’

This earned by completing the fourth mission of the game, Pugari Gold Mine.

You’ll be parachuting in as the mission opens. Land on the metal structure directly below you and kill the enemies. There is on the same metal structure, one on the ledge opposite of you and more down below. Kill the enemies that you can see.

When you’re ready, run to the end of the metal structure and you’ll automatically jump to the ledge across.

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Press Up to climb up. Go to the right and interact with the box to pick up the explosives. Return to the ledge area where you jumped across and hold to crouch. While crouched, walk to ledge and you’ll hang down. Press Down to drop to the next ledge and repeat that one more time. There is an enemy down here, so make sure to kill him before dropping down.

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Once you drop down a second time, run to the right and go down the ledge at the end to find a box that has the Crossbow in it. From the Crossbow, turn around and run straight across the very bottom floor and under the metal structure you landed on. Keep running straight and you’ll see a big entrance to a tunnel with stacked crates.

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Enter the tunnel and climb over the boxes. There will be an enemy behind the last big stack of crates, so climb up and wait for him to walk by. Kill him and then exit the tunnel. There will be another enemy straight ahead just behind a pile of rocks.

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Continue forward and there will be two more enemies to your right off in the distance in front of a small building. Use your sniper rifle to take them out. If you miss, you’ll shoot a barrel which will blow up the building and a wave of enemies will come running toward you from the next cave.

Kill the two enemies and enter the cave near the small building. You’ll see two slaves straight ahead next to a green machine. Just as the cave opens up, look to your right to see two enemies. Kill them both and then go to the slaves.

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After speaking with them, run toward the mine carts near where the two enemies were standing when you entered. When you reach the carts, look to your left to see a lone enemy. Kill him and then go right.

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Follow the path and you’ll come to an opening where you’ll see a small bridge. There are two enemies on the bridge that you can take with your sniper rifle.

After killing them, the slaves will be told to wait. There are two enemies on each side of the bridge. So quickly kill them. Roll back into the cave after killing an enemy to avoid taking damage. This part can be a little tricky, but using the auto lock can help. Run out, kill an enemy and then take cover. Repeat that until they are all dead.

Continue on the path and enter the other side of the cave via the bridge. The slaves will leave you here and that objective will be completed.

When the cutscene ends, go up the path on the left and follow it until you see the exit. As you approach the exit, you’ll see DeJesus being escorted by an enemy. Snipe the enemy and then run out there and kill the rest of the enemies.

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When all of the enemies are dead, you’ll speak with DeJesus. After the cutscene, backtrack to where you first found the slaves earlier. There will be enemies along the way, so be ready to deal with them. There will be a marked area near the mine carts that you can plant the explosives. Once they’re planted, the mission will end.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

 Too Late to Save

Complete ‘Pugari Complex’

This earned by completing the fifth mission of the game, Pugari Complex.

As soon as the mission begins you need to run straight to the mine cart in front of you. Interact with the switch and you’ll automatically be on the cart as it heads to the exit.

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While on the cart, hold to crouch. There’s a chance you may slide off the cart and fail the mission if you stand up through the whole ride. There will be one enemy that runs out in front of you while on the cart. Auto target will make quick work of him.

This next part can be a real pain. Just before the cart crashes, you need to roll off of the cart to the side. As soon as you roll to the side, you need to very quickly roll again forward down the slope. There will be an enemy shooting an M-79 at you down here. The second you get to the bottom you need to have auto targeted the enemy and kill him. The M-79 has a huge radius that will kill you so you need to be very quick here. It’ll likely take a few tries to get it down.

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Once you kill him, pick up his M-79 and keep running to go up the ramp. There will be a building on your left at the top of the ramp. Run around to other side of the building and enter through the open doorway.

There will be an NPC in here that’ll speak to and get a checkpoint. If you kill this NPC, you’ll be ambushed when you exit this building.

After the cutscene, exit the building the way you came in and head up the next big ramp. There is M-79 ammo to your right at the top of this ramp in a box.

Syphon filter 3 trophy guide

Pick up the M-79 ammo and go through the big entry way. There will be an enemy straight ahead and another one up above on the catwalk. There is a Flak Jacket if you need it straight back by the dump truck. Go through the entry way on the right. There will be more enemies in here. Both on the ground and up above. If you’re spotted, you’ll be swarmed from all sides. You can run straight for the exit instead of killing them if you’d like. Head for the corner marked with door that says, “Bay 3.”

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Run through the doorway and equip your shotgun. There will be two enemies below you that you can shoot through the floor. Kill them and go around to the right side of the room and interact with the Power Transmitter Switch.

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Equip the M-79 and then exit this room up the stair case on the left side. Follow this hallway up until you reach a cutscene. After the scene, two enemies will run toward out of the building in front of you. A single shot from the M-79 will take care of both of them.

When they’re dead, go inside of that building and interact with the computer in the office. Hold to crouch as soon as you’re done interacting the computer. Three enemies will spawn across from you shooting into the window. You don’t have to do anything here. Just stay crouched and DeJesus will kill all three of them.

When they’re dead, exit the building and you’ll be in a cutscene. When the scene ends, three enemies will ride an elevator up in front of you. A single shot from the M-79 will kill all three of them. Once they’re dead, the mission will end.

 Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Complete ‘Kabul, Afghanistan’

This earned by completing the sixth mission of the game, Kabul, Afghanistan.

This mission takes place in an enclosed maze like map in a village. It makes it a little difficult to explain, so we’re going to be making use of the map here.

Your first objective will be to take out seven snipers spread out across the map. Their locations are marked below on the map.

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Each of the snipers will be in an elevated position. Go to those locations and look up. They’ll be on ledges and aiming through windows. You want to try and sneak up on them if you can. They’ll target your head when they see you. They will all be wearing Flak Jackets as well. So that will make them tough to kill in a fire fight. You can take them out with a single shot to the head if you can sneak up on them though.

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The weapon prototype is found in a chest right next to the sniper in the bottom right corner of the map. You can reach it by climbing up the outside of a short brown building. Climb up by pressing close to the building. Once you climb up, go right and climb over the broken wall where the sniper is or was. Interact with the box to acquire the Weapon Prototype, AU300.

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You’ll want to pick up the Weapon Prototype before going underground. After sabotaging the weapon cache underground, enemies will be chasing you down all over the map. So get that first.

Head underground via the hole in the ground in the same building where the northern most sniper is/was. Make your way to the troop intel map first down here. Take a picture of it and then sabotage the cache. After setting the charge, there will be a timer. Quickly climb out of the underground tunnels to avoid the explosion.

There are some enemies down here at close range. The shotgun is very helpful down here.

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As you exit the underground area, head for the crashed van in the center of the map. Climb on top of it and press to call the helicopter for extract. Four enemies will spawn around you shooting M-79 rounds up at the helicopter. There are two on the ground near the van you’re standing on.

Kill the two ground level enemies while standing on the van. If you jump down, the enemy will swap weapons and attack you. If you kill them down here, they won’t drop the M-79. They’ll drop their side arm. If you kill them while standing on the van, they won’t swap weapons and will drop the M-79.

Once they’re dead, drop down and pick up the M-79 from each enemy. You should have two rounds. You can then use the M-79 to quickly kill the remaining enemies that are up in high positions.

Once all four are dead, the mission will end.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

 Bombastic Cruise

Complete ‘S.S. Lorelei’

This earned by completing the seventh mission of the game, S.S. Lorelei.

Turn around from where you start and drop down off of the container. Head to the back corner to plant the first explosive next to a closed door along the back wall. There will be an enemy back here and one up above. You can use the taser with the auto lock to reach the one up above.

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Exit this room through the open door on the other side of the area. Exit and go left. Take a right and follow the hallway to the end where it’ll turn right. Go straight down this hallway that’ll also turn right. Take the next right and go into the open doorway to a room that looks like the one the mission began in.

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Go to the back left corner of this storage area and plant another explosive.

Exit the room the way you came in. Exit the room and take the right turn. Follow the hallway and you’ll eventually be in a cutscene. After the cutscene, go left and enter the open door to find another storage room. There will be two enemies across from this door by a ladder as well.

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Plant the third explosive in the back corner of this room underneath the catwalk where the enemy was.

Exit this room the way you came in. Turn left as you exit the room and then go left again. Follow this hallway straight down. It’ll turn right twice. There will be an opening on the left side of the hallway after the second right turn. Go through that opening and get on the elevator.

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Get off the elevator and follow the path to an area with stairs. Go up the small staircase and plant the decoy. There are two enemies in this room as well. Head up the rest of the stairs after planting the decoy.

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Follow the path at the top of the stairs until you exit a door and are in a cutscene. After the scene, the cook will walk out in front of you. You can take him out. After that, go down the hallway to your left. Go straight down until you see another opening in the wall on the left where the kitchen area is. Go in there and interact with the dumbwaiter in the corner of the kitchen on the left side.

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The dumbwaiter will take you to the Captain’s room.

Enter the room and then look to your right to see the Captain through a doorway. Quickly kill him and then interact with the book on the coffee table to pick up the Shipping Manifest.

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Exit through the doorway and go straight back. Go right, right, kill the enemy and then go through the open doorway on the left just past the ladder.

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Go down the stairs through this door and there will be an enemy ambush at the very bottom. Exit through the door and go straight. An enemy will come from the right. Kill him and then go through the open doorway on the right wall. It’ll be a meeting room with big table in the middle and a projector. There will also be enemies in here.

Kill the enemies and interact with the projector on the right side of the room to get the Video Evidence.

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Exit this room and go right. Take another right and then follow this hallway. There’s a Spyder in a box in a room on the right. Pick it up or don’t, either way, keep following the hallway and it’ll take another right turn. An enemy will come out of an open door on the left. Kill him and go through that door which will be another staircase heading down.

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Exit the door and go left, first right, straight down to very end and kill the guard that comes from the left. Go left and kill another enemy and follow this hallway around. There will be enemies chasing you here as well. Keep going until you come to fork that goes left and right. Go left and follow the path and take the hallway on the right.

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Follow this hallway to yet another open doorway with a staircase that’ll take you further down.

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Follow the stairs down and enter the next room which will be one of the rooms we planted an explosive in earlier. Go down the stairs and exit this room. You’re going to go back to the room we spawned in to start this mission from here.

Exit the storage room and go left, left, kill the enemy and then right. A cutscene will play as you enter the room.

After the scene, you’ll need to kill the enemies up above on the crane. Keep killing the enemies as fast as you can and the mission will end.

 Mission in Ruins

Complete ‘Aztec Ruins’

This earned by completing the eighth mission of the game, Aztec Ruins.

Head down the path on the right from the start of the mission. There will be a hole in the ground that you’ll automatically jump over when running.

Follow that hallway all the way until you come to a room with three hallways to choose from. Go down the one on the left.

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Go to the end of this tunnel and it’ll look like a dead end. Press and you’ll grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Keep climbing and you’ll pull yourself up and out of a well.

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There will be two enemies up here. Kill them and then go down the hallway. There are two paths here, but one of them is blocked by rubble, so go down the open one. Go straight to the back and an enemy will come around the corner toward you.

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When you reach the end of the path where that last soldier came from, you can go left or right. Go right and follow the path. You’ll reach a cutscene when you get near some boxes labeled. “US GOVT.”

After the scene, keep following the path. You’ll go straight through an archway, left and then right down some stairs where an enemy will be. Kill the enemy and take the fork right all the way to the end where you’ll see another cutscene. Turn around and go the opposite way after the scene.

Follow this path until you come to a small area with a stack of crates and a hole in the ceiling. Climb up the crates and climb through the hole in the ceiling.

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At the top, run off the side and you’ll be on a path outside. If you go right, there is UAS-12 ammo in box. Get that and go the opposite way.

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Follow this path and you’ll round a corner where you’ll see a lot of guards standing next to some barrels. Shoot the barrels to kill the guards. More will come from the other side of the area. Kill them and go into the room on the left where you will see a computer and a scientist.

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Interact with the computer and then shoot it when you’re done. Then, go interact with the scientist to free him. You’ll be ambushed after completing those objectives. Kill the enemies and then leave this room.

Go left as you exit this room and follow the path and you’ll see a scientist in the middle of the path. Run up to him and free him.

Go left after the scene and look right to see a room with another computer in it. Shoot the computer and then head down the hallway to see a blown out hole on the left side. Go through this tunnel and there will be a fork inside. It can be hard to see, but it’s there. Take the left path inside of the tunnel.

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You’ll exit into a room where there is a big stone table like object in the middle. There will also be a box with an H11 in here.

Head for the exit and there will be a cutscene. There will be enemies outside. Peek around the corners and shoot the enemies as the plane flies over head. You’ll hear the noise. When the noise happens, shoot an enemy. Otherwise you’ll be spotted and swarmed by enemies. There is one on the left, two on the right ground level, one in the ruins and another on top of the ruins.

When they’re dead, enter the ruins.

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Enter the ruins and there will be three rooms to your left. Two scientists will be locked in cells and the room in the middle be open. You can grab a tear gas launcher from the room in the middle. We can’t get these scientists right now, so keep going straight.

Follow the path as it turns right and then go left down the next hallway to see another exit with two pillars. A cutscene will then play as you approach the exit.

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Look to your left and you’ll see two guards with a doctor that you need to save. The guards will be close enough to each other that you can get them both very quickly.

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The other enemies in the area will attack as soon as those two are killed. Take them all out and then speak with the doctor. After the scene, turn around and there will be another computer to destroy. Shoot it and then leave the area by climbing on the fallen pillar in the hole in the wall on the opposite side of the area. There are three enemies on the other side of that pillar.

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Climb through and then go down the hallway. There will be more scientists locked in cells down here. We still can’t open these cells, so keep going.

Enter the first room on the right, kill the guard and then keep going. Enter the hole in the wall on the left.

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Follow this hallway around and you’ll enter a room that has two enemies and three computers. Kill the enemies and destroy the computers.

Exit the room.

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An enemy will rush you from behind as you exit, so be ready to turn around and kill him.

Take the first right and interact with the box to pick up the explosives. Exit that room and enter the next on the right. Go through the hole in the wall in the back of this room.

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Follow the hallway and it’ll take you to a room with a lone guard and the last computer. Destroy the computer and turn around. There will be a box sitting on a crate. Interact with it to pick up the Virus Sample.

Head back to the main room we just came from. There will be enemies waiting for you after completing those last two objectives.

Once back in the main room, go down the doorway on the left side of the room.

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Speak with the doctor in this room and then drop down into the hole. Pick up the artifact down in the hole and then climb back out. There will be enemies waiting for you when climb out of the hole.

Back track all the way to the last two cells we saw scientists in. Plant explosives on the cell doors and then go in there and speak with the scientists to free them.

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From here, back track all the way back to the original pair of scientists that were locked in cells. This was the area where we had to kill the guards while the planes flew overhead.

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The mission will end when you have freed the last two scientists.

 What’s the Rush?

Complete ‘Waterfront’

This earned by completing the ninth mission of the game, Waterfront.

This mission isn’t very long, but you will be under constant fire. Kill the enemies that are in your way and run by the rest for the most part.

To begin, there will be an enemy running toward you coming from the right side. Kill him and move forward. Go right, kill the next enemy coming toward you and then go left between two buildings to meet up with Maggie.

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After the scene, Maggie will be covering you as a sniper takes shot you. So follow Maggie and keep rolling. Roll all the way until you see a truck in front of you. Roll to this truck.

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Climb on top of this truck and plan an explosive. Get off of it and get away from the explosion. An enemy will also spawn behind the truck, so quickly kill him while avoiding the explosion. There is ammo and a Flak Jacket in this area if you need it. When you’re ready, go back toward the sniper in the tower and turn right. Keep rolling and meet up with Maggie again. This time you’ll be in a warehouse.

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After the scene, you and Maggie will be locked in the warehouse. There will also be enemies throwing grenades at you. So use the containers as cover and stay to the back of the room. Go to the back and look to the opposite side of the building and shoot the stack of barrels in front of the door to blow it open.

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Exit the warehouse and go left through the opening in the fence. Go right after going through the fence to find the second truck. Climb on top and plant the second explosive.

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Get off the truck and run back the way you came. Go straight back and you’ll run into a cutscene. There will be enemies running toward on your way back as well.

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After the cutscene, run toward the back left corner. There will be two enemies that spawn here. One on the trailer and one on the roof. Kill them both and go to the right corner in front of the building to find a box that has a MIL15 in it. Pick that up, it’ll make the next section a little easier.

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Enter the warehouse and meet up with Maggie again. Next, you’ll have to follow and defend Russell. Enemies are going to spawn all around you in waves. Equip the MIL15 to deal with enemies quickly. It shoots explosive rounds, so be careful when shooting at enemies near Russell. The shotgun is better suited for those enemies. If you don’t know where they are, just use the auto lock and you’ll be pointed in the right direction.

When the door is opened, follow Russell up the stairs and into an office. You’ll need to defend him again as he opens a safe. You’ll be ambushed by three enemies here. Two on the left and one straight ahead.

With that done, you’ll need to exit the building. Be ready to kill enemies on the way out.

Go down the stairs and go straight to the wall. Turn right, go straight and then left. Follow the path to another garage door that is blocked by barrels. Shoot the barrels to open the door and exit.

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Exit the through the door make two lefts to see the third truck straight ahead of you. Climb on top and plant the explosive.

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There is a Spyder and Flak Jacket behind the truck if you need them. You’ll be under fire here as well.

Turn around and run straight to the cave on the opposite side of the area. Just keep going straight and you’ll enter the cave. You’ll be under a lot of fire so kill who you can and roll to avoid taking damage.

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Keep going straight and you’ll run into the fourth truck. There will be four enemies around it, so take them out and then climb up on top and plant the final explosive. The mission will end when the truck blows up.

 Betrayal of Character

Complete ‘Docks Final Assault’

This earned by completing the tenth mission of the game, Docks Final Assault.

This will be a quick and hectic mission.

You’ll be under fire as the mission begins. Kill the enemies and run straight. Pick all the ammo you can and be sure to grab the Flak Jacket on the left side near the exit of the cave.

Continue running forward until you come to metal beams that run over head. Turn left at this structure and you’ll meet up with Nigel.

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Now, you just have to follow Nigel. You’re going to be swarmed with enemies, so be ready to kill as many as you can as quickly as you can. Keep following and defending Nigel and you’ll eventually reach a cutscene near a truck.

Nigel will take off in the truck. Run straight ahead after him and he’ll be waiting for you up ahead shooting at you. Kill Nigel and the mission will end.

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 Dusty Highway

Complete ‘Convoy’

This earned by completing the eleventh mission of the game, Convoy.

The mission will open up with a firefight against three enemies. Kill them and the truck will continue moving. Pick up the ammo and then head over to the structure on the left side of the truck and pick up the M16 in the box.

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Quickly get back to the truck and follow it. The truck will then be under attack by mortars. Go to the left of where the truck is stopped and you’ll see a tent. Go over there, kill the enemies and then enter the tunnel under the tent.

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This tunnel will take you underground and over to where the mortars are being fired. There will be an enemy in tunnel. Kill him and keep going. There are three enemies when exiting the tunnel. Kill them to stop the mortars. Pick up all the ammo and return to the truck. There will be two enemies in the tunnel on your way back.

Follow the truck and it’ll be stopped at a checkpoint with barbed wire blocking the road. Kill all of the enemies and then go around to the opposite side of the checkpoint and interact with the barbed wire on the road to plant explosives to clear it.

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Pick up the ammo and continue following the truck. It’ll stop shortly ahead due to sniper fire. Go under the bridge, kill the enemy and then head to left side of the map. Keep going to the left and the sniper will eventually be revealed. Kill him and then head back to the bridge. Go under the bridge, climb the boulder, climb up to the wooden beam and disarm the bomb on the beam.

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Return to the truck and keep following it. It will stop shortly as there will be a mine in the road. You’ll need to kill a wave of enemies while the mine is being disarmed.

The next part is tricky. The truck is going to stop in between two mountains. Run up either side and kill the two snipers on the road.

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Kill the snipers quickly as you’re about to be swarmed by enemies. They’ll spawning on both mountains and down on the road below. The truck and your NPC partner can die pretty quickly here, so kill the enemies as efficiently as you can. Use the auto lock to quickly target them as they appear.

The enemies will spawn on the mountains as your progress down the road. It’s tricky, you need to get close enough to defend the NPC and truck, but if you go too far, you’ll be overwhelmed. Try to to position yourself just in front of the truck, but not too far. Kill the enemies up on the mountains as you get into position. There will be an enemy on the road directly in front of your NPC partner. Kill him quickly. If you didn’t go too far, the enemies should stop spawning. If they do, inch your way up and kill them as they spawn. They’ll be up on the mountains on both sides.

Continue down the road and you’ll come to another roadblock. Kill all of the enemies and then plant another explosive on the fence to clear it and the mission will end.

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Complete ‘The Beast’

This earned by completing the twelfth mission of the game, The Beast.

You’ll be under fire as soon as the mission begins. Immediately run to the doorway on your left to take cover. Peek around the corner to kill the enemies.

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When the four enemies are dead, continue straight down the road. Peek around the corner of the arch to kill the two enemies on the right and one on the left. There will also be an enemy up on top of the arch that will shoot at you as you advance into the area.

You’ll reach an open area where there will be enemies spawning in. There will also be a tank on the way here, so run to the opposite side of the area and go into the blown out building to find C4 in a box. Pick it up.

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Pick up the C4 and kill enemies until the tank shows up. It’ll be shooting at you, but as long as you keep moving you should be able to avoid the shots pretty easily. Kill any enemies that are in your way and get to the side of the tank. Equip the C4 and plant it on the tank. Equip the detonator and run away from the tank. Detonate the C4 to destroy the tank to end the mission.

syphon filter 3 trophy guide

 High-Risk Infiltration

Complete ‘Australian Outback’

This earned by completing the thirteenth mission of the game, Australian Outback.

All you’ll be doing here is quickly running from one objective to the next. It can be quick as long as you know where you’re going. There are enemies here, but you really just need to kill the ones on the way to the objectives for the most part.

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Start the mission by heading forward and go slightly left to reach the Communications Dish. Interact with it to sabotage it. Take out any enemies along the way.

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Turn around from the dish and head straight back to find the mass grave. Go up to it and take a picture.

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Turn right from the graves and make your way for Dr. Elsa. There will be four guards around her tent that you need to kill. You’ll encounter the first one up in a tower just outside of the doctor’s tent. The second will be just passed the tower in front of the tent. The third will also be outside of the entrance to the tent. The fourth will be on the left side of the tent inside of the fence.

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Enter the tent and speak with Dr. Elsa. She’ll give you another objective. You’ll need to go pick up three items.

These items can be in different locations, so you’re going to have to pause the game and check your map to see where they are for you. Run to the blue dots on your mini map and pick up the three items.

Once you have all three, return to Dr. Elsa’s tent and speak with her. When you enter, there will be enemies in there attacking her, so deal with them.

After the cutscene, follow the doctor out of the tent and around behind the tent to reach the helicopter. There will be enemies on the way including around the helicopter. You’ll have to kill them and then approach the helicopter to end the mission.

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 To Cure the Locals

Complete ‘St. George, Australia’

This earned by completing the fourteenth mission of the game, Australian.

You’re going to be helping some NPCs in this mission. If you’re spotted, the enemies will kill the NPCs and fail the mission. This isn’t strictly a slow sneaking stealth mission, but you do need to use a suppressed weapon.

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The locations of the aborigines are marked on the map below. Three of them are in houses. Two of them are next to each other outside being guarded by two enemies. Just be patient and wait for the guard to walk in front of the stationary guard and take them both out with a single shot and then free the aborigines. The final aborigine is somewhat underground. Look for steam coming out of the ground and go under it.

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After helping all six of the aborigines, head back to where you spawned in to begin the mission. Interact with the truck and you’ll be taken to the next section.

Kill the enemies after interacting with the truck and the mission will end.

 Free for All Chaos

Complete ‘Paradise Ridge’

This earned by completing the fifteenth mission of the game, Underground Bunker.

When this mission starts, walk over to a fallen log nearby and kill three enemies. Two snipers in towers and one that comes over the ridge.

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Follow the two NSA agents and continue on the path until you receive a radio transmission.

Continue forward toward Agent DeMarco. Run near him to trigger the ambush and then quickly roll out of the way. Kill the enemies and then interact with DeMarco to free him.

Continue on the path and you’ll see two NSA agents escorting enemies. Just keep running forward. Interact with the electrical pole on your path to plant the beacon.

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You’ll be ambushed by enemies after planting the beacon. Kill them and keep going forward until you come to the scene of an explosion. Keep going down and you’ll be in a cutscene.

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After the cutscene, head back to the pole where you planted the beacon and interact with it again to remove it. Turn around head back to where you just came from at the previous cutscene.

There will be some militia members shooting at you, but don’t kill them. Just run by them and roll to avoid taking damage. Kill the NSA and leave the militia alone as you progress. If you’re having trouble finding the way to go, check your map. The area itself is pretty linear.

You’ll eventually come to some buildings. Just keep following the path and rolling away from the militia.

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Make your way through the buildings until you go through an opening in the third fence. There will be a building on the right. Follow the path left up the hill.

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Militia members will be in a firefight with the NSA agents through here, so just ignore it and continue running up the path. You’ll eventually see a message on screen, “This way to Dakota Compound.” Go toward that and keep running until the mission ends.

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 Unlikely Allies

Complete ‘Militia Compound’

This earned by completing the sixteenth mission of the game, Militia Compound.

Begin the mission by running forward and turning right around the corner. There will be enemies this way for you to kill. When they’re dead, jump into the barn on the left. Just run toward the door and you’ll automatically jump across.

When you land on the platform, don’t drop down. Go right and through the open doorway.

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Follow the path around some crates and drop through a hole in the floor in the next room.

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Turn around as soon as you drop down and you’ll see two enemies with a hostage. Wait for the walking enemy to walk in front of the stationary enemy and take them both out to free the hostage. Go over to the hostage and a scene will play.

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From the hostage, turn around and go to the back corner to find another hole in the ground that you can drop in to. Follow the corridor until you hear an enemy on the radio above you. Look up and kill him. Keep going forward until you can climb up and out of the tunnel. There will be an enemy down here, so kill him and exit.

Climb out of the hole and peek around the corner to see more hostages. Kill the enemies and the hostages will run away.

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Follow the hostages over to where they stop and a scene will play. When the scene ends, go around to the other side of the parked trailer and press on the closed door to open it.

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There will be a scene that plays when you enter the warehouse. If you killed the guard on the radio while in the underground tunnel earlier, there will be no guard here. If you didn’t, he will be right in front of you. Kill him now if you didn’t earlier.

Go forward and climb up the container directly in front of you. Turn around and jump to the second floor from the container. Just run forward and you’ll auto jump.

Hold to crouch and sneak up behind Silvers. Press to plant the device.

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Turn around and drop back down to the ground level where you entered. When you reach the ground, Silvers will leave.

Go around to the other side of the warehouse you’re in and go up the stairs and into the doorway straight ahead of you.

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Go left as you enter the doorway and follow the path until you’re outside. Go down the ramp and then go under it to find Special Agent Kelly. Untie him and you’ll be ambushed by enemies. Kill them and then climb into the big well across from where Kelly was tied up.

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Follow the path down in the well and you’ll come to several militia members that will tell you to crouch. Hold to stay crouched and they will eventually team up with you.

Follow them out of there and back up to the surface. There will be enemies on the surface when you exit. Kill them and go to a red gate in the top right corner of this area through a narrow pathway. Interact with the gate to open it.

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There will be another fire fight going on in this next area. Kill the enemies and head up between the containers, turn right, another right and then left into the red shed.

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Go through the shed and you’ll come to a group of three militia members. They’ll run out to attack but will retreat under sniper fire. When they come back, go back the way you came just a couple steps and you’ll see a box on the ground. Interact with it to get an M-79.

You can use the M-79 to kill the three snipers in the area. There are two on a roof to your left and one is up in a balcony on your right.

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Kill the snipers and then go into the building on the left that the two snipers were on. Go inside and kill the enemies and then interact with the mattress on the floor to end the mission.

 To Protect and Serve

Complete ‘Underground Bunker’

This earned by completing the seventeenth mission of the game, Underground Bunker.

This mission will open with you following Dusty. Keep following him and he’ll lead you to his mom. There will be enemies along the way, so be ready to kill them. When Dusty stops and crouches down, get away from him. He’s planting an explosive.

You’ll eventually come to a fork and Dusty will stop and tell you to look for supplies if you need them. Take the path on the left and you’ll find a box on the ground that has a Falcon in it.

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When you’re ready to go, take the path straight ahead of Dusty.

Shortly up that path will be a combat encounter. There will be enemies on the big boulder up above you straight ahead, and some on the left and right sides of the area. Dusty will continue moving after the enemies are all dead.

You’ll come to a point where Dusty will stop walking. He’ll tell he’s going to find you some night vision goggles. Let him go and immediately turn around. There will be two enemies that rush you from behind. Kill them and then Dusty will return with the NVG. They will be automatically turned on.

As you head forward, they’ll turn on. Look to your left to see a box on a crate. This box has an M-79 in it. Go pick that up.

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Continue following Dusty until the NVGs automatically turn off. There will then be a path that goes down in a sort of a spiral. There will be two enemies here shooting at you here.

After that section, you’ll come to a staircase with more enemies. Go up the stairs and kill the two enemies. Dusty will then open the door to the bunker. Follow him and you’ll meet up with Debbie.

Debbie won’t be able to move, so you’ll need to go find a first aid kit for her. Exit this room back into the main area and turn left. Head down the circular tunnel.

Syphon filter 3 trophy guide

Turn right at the end of the tunnel and then take another right down some stairs and you’ll be in a room with double doors on the left side. There is also shotgun ammo on the opposite side of this room if you need it.

Interact with the double doors to open them. Go in and grab the first aid kit. Now head back to Debbie. There will be enemies down in the bunker now that you have the first aid kit. One of them will be right outside of the room you’re in.

Debbie will now be able to walk, but it will be a very slow walk. Dusty will have a gun of his own, so you can just focus on protecting Debbie. Three enemies will drop in from the ceiling in the main area of the bunker. Two more enemies will spawn after walking through the circular tunnel.

Eventually, Debbie will make it to the elevator. Get and ride it.

Exit the elevator and there will be a lone enemy waiting ahead on the path. Kill him and equip the M-79 we picked up earlier. There will be two enemies taking cover behind crates around the next corner that can be a little hard to hit. The M-79 will make quick work of them. After killing the two enemies, a third will charge you from down the tunnel straight ahead.

Continue following Debbie and you’ll enter a hangar like room. Dusty will crouch down by the door and plant explosives. There will be two enemies running toward you through the door. Kill them and Dusty will set off his charges.

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Follow Debbie and Dusty into the secret door. More enemies will spawn in the room. Kill them and follow Debbie to the end of this mission.

 Capital Treason

Complete ‘Senate Building’

This earned by completing the eighteenth mission of the game, Senate Building.

As soon as the mission starts go forward and peek around the corner looking right. There will be enemy down the hall. Take him out with a headshot and then head that way.

At the end of the hallway where the dead enemy is, peek around the corner to see another enemy waiting. Take him out and then head toward where he was.

Take the first left and head straight back.

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Go into the women’s bathroom in the back right corner of this room. Kill the two guards in there and then shoot the vent on the ceiling.

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Climb up into the vent and follow it to the end. You’ll drop down into an office. Interact with the desk and you’ll receive the cancellation code. After the radio call about the code ends, you’ll be ambushed by two enemies. One will run through the door and another will drop down from the vent you used. Kill them and exit the office.

As you exit the office, go left then right and then take cover in the right hallway as there will be two enemies suddenly behind you. Kill them and then continue straight up the hallway you were headed to before being ambushed.

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Take the first left and you’ll be back where you were earlier. This time, we’re going to go into the men’s bathroom on the left side of the room.

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Kill the two enemies at the urinal and then shoot the vent on the ceiling. Climb into it and follow this to the end where you’ll drop down into another room. Interact with the gate control console in this room and then you can exit.

You’ll be ambushed by two enemies as you exit this room. One from the left and one from the right. Kill them and go right out of the office and you’ll find yourself in a new long hallway. Go left in here and follow the hallway down to the very end and it’ll turn to the right.

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Peek around the corner of the doorway with the room that has the hostages in it and look right to see two enemies. Kill them and then two more will appear on the right and one more from the left coming toward you. Kill the enemies and then interact with the hostages. Pick up the ammo and Flak Jackets on the ground if you need them and then exit this room the way you came in.

Backtrack all the way back down the hallway where you came in from earlier. Turn left near the bathrooms you already went through.

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You’ll be ambushed by two enemies as you reach the end of this hallway. Kill them and continue following the hallway straight and you’ll see an elevator on the right. Enter the elevator and ride it down.

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There will be an enemy straight ahead when you reach the bottom. There will be another to your left as you step out of the elevator. Kill them, wait for the train to go by and then quickly make your way to the opposite side of the subway. Run into the train that Mara went into and the mission will end. There will be enemies spawning, but you don’t have to fight them. They’ll keep spawning, so just kill the ones in your way.

 End of an Era

Complete ‘D.C. Subway’

This earned by completing the nineteenth and final mission of the game, D.C. Subway.

This entire mission takes place in a long train. You’ll be running from car to car killing enemies as you make your way to the front to confront Mara.

You’ll have two enemies running toward you as soon as the mission begins. They both have Flak Jackets on, so you’re going to want to aim for the head as quickly as you can to kill them. There will be Flak Jackets in every few cars on the left side. So, if you take damage, you’ll have plenty of options to refill your health.

Run through the cars and you’ll be ambushed by enemies as you enter almost every other car, so be ready as you enter them. The enemies will rappel in through the windows or blow open the roof and rappel down into the car.

You will eventually be tasked with rescuing three hostages. Each of the hostages will be guarded by two enemies and they will kill the hostage if you don’t take them out quickly. When approaching a car with a hostage, do not get too close to the doors as that will also get the hostage killed.

Aim in first person at one of the enemies. Line up your shot with their head. Shoot the enemy and quickly sweep your gun to the other enemy while keeping your gun head level.

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After rescuing all three hostages, you’ll then need to take out one of Mara’s men who is trying to decouple the cars. You’ll enter a car and enemies will fire down on you from above. They’ll be targeting your head. When that happens just keep rolling out of the way. These enemies will be killed in a second from an explosion. Enter that car and pick up the AU300 on the left side. You’re going to need this to kill Mara soon.

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After that, the enemy trying to decouple the cars will appear like the other enemies. He’ll be running toward you from a car ahead. He’ll also be setting off explosions. You can easily take him out with a quick headshot.

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Kill Lt. Cooley and pick up the explosives from the box on the ground on the left side of the car.

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Once you have them, plant them on the doors ahead. As soon as you plant them, turn around and keep running away until they explode. The explosion radius is pretty big. Once it explodes, turn around and confront Mara.

As you get closer you’ll notice that there is bullet proof glass standing between you and Mara. Climb up where the doors were blown off and equip the AU300. Walk on the roof until your above Mara. Use first person mode to look down through the roof and shoot Mara in the head to complete the mission and game.

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 Knife to Meet You

Eliminate an enemy using a knife

This is the only miscellaneous Trophy in the game.

All you have to do here is equip the knife and then kill an enemy with it.

This can be earned after the first mission. You’ll want to choose an enemy who has their back to you to make this easier.


5 thoughts on “Syphon Filter 3 Trophy Guide

  1. Can you still use the “Unlock ALL Weapons and Unlimited Ammo” for this game or has this also been disabled? If it is still available, does it disable earning trophies? Thanks!

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